
Michael Gove is wrong, says Chris Hackley: a return to ‘traditional’ A levels will narrow access and do nothing to raise standards

7 February

The sector must not let claims that application rates vindicate fees policy go unchallenged, says Liam Burns

7 February

Politicians’ speech is often more a strategic exercise than an act of civic transparency, which can make it a turn-off, says John Corner

31 January

Malcolm Gillies believes an Ivy League-type system could benefit the UK

31 January

The government’s immigration policy harms student traffic from abroad and the economy, claims Shabana Mahmood

31 January

David Edmonds contrasts Edmund Gettier’s three-page 1963 masterpiece with the endless outflow induced by the emetic REF

24 January

After 12 months as Reading’s v-c, David Bell reflects on the pleasures (and occasional pains) of leading the institution

24 January

One academic’s experience of coalescing institutions was not a positive one, largely owing to a lack of forethought or consideration

17 January

The UCU is a democratic, future-facing endeavour proud to fight for both the one and the many, Sally Hunt affirms

17 January

Is the use of corporate jargon a surprise, asks Keir Thorpe, when university managers are made to feel so insecure?

10 January

We must leave no stone unturned in making the Oxbridge admissions process as fair and comprehensive as possible, says Miles Hewstone

3 January

Joined-up thinking across theory and practice could revolutionise our public services, says Jonathan Shepherd

3 January

Fawzi Ibrahim implores the UCU to work collectively to save itself from political turmoil and financial meltdown

20 December

Nick Petford tells a festive tale of the ivory-tower dwellers convinced that the sky is falling in on their world

20 December

Geoffrey Alderman mourns the decline and seemingly inevitable disintegration of a once great democratic body

13 December

In this age of austerity, delaying reimbursements owed to external examiners is inexcusable, opines Iain Stevenson

13 December