
Editor’s Note: In some weeks, changes in higher education are of sufficient moment to warrant extended treatment. We are happy to devote this entire edition of The Poppletonian to just such a development

An eccentric approach helped build the Oxford University Press empire, argues Felipe Fernández-Armesto

27 February

Chinese students in the UK are keen to get work experience, and it would help them to integrate, says Bin Wu

27 February

Philosophers need to follow Socrates’ example and get back among the people, say John Kaag and David O’Hara

20 February

How can the US legal system confuse the singing of hymns by an elderly nun with the acts of a terrorist?

20 February

Should developing countries receive ‘transfer fees’ when Western universities sign their academics? asks Malegapuru Makgoba

13 February

Has accountability to stakeholders got out of hand? Steven Ward imagines an Orwellian world of over-assessment

6 February

Can social scientists and humanities scholars rise to the challenge of reshaping Europe while remaining true to their principles?

23 January