Breaking news

Toni Pearce has been elected as the next president of the National Union of Students, promising to fight for “a movement where students’ unions are leading from the front and aren’t just an afterthought”.

9 April

Recent comments about initial teacher training made by education secretary Michael Gove and Sir Michael Wilshaw, the chief inspector of schools, constitute a “concerted political attack” on universities that has “no basis” in evidence.

28 March

The UK Border Agency is to be split in two, between a visa body and a law enforcement body, and brought back under the control of Home Office ministers.

26 March

All threatened strike action at the University of Birmingham has been called off after the University and College Union reached an agreement with the institution’s management over compulsory redundancies and performance management.

23 March

Some of the highest-achieving A-level students could be unfairly denied a place at the most selective universities if such institutions insist on candidates holding a grade A for GCSE English language, according to a headteachers’ association.

15 March