Breaking news

The Home Secretary has pledged to introduce interviews for 100,000 more international students to root out visa abuse, and warned universities that they will lose their licences to recruit foreign students if they fail to meet standards.

12 December

Government plans to grant a VAT exemption to for-profit higher education providers will "rig the higher education market" in their favour and use public subsidies "to create corporate and individual shareholder profit", according to the University and College Union and National Union of Students.

12 December

A planned strike today at Queen Mary, University of London, over the method by which academics are assessed was called off yesterday after the institution committed in writing to negotiate over any changes.

22 November

Students at two US community colleges are to be given access to a tailored online computer science programme delivered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), thanks to a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

20 November

The distribution of more than £100 million in research council funding for open access article fees will be directly proportional to how much universities have charged the councils for direct labour costs over the last three years.

8 November