Breaking news

The University of Bath has left the 1994 Group of small research-intensive universities with its vice-chancellor saying continued membership of the organisation "does not reflect the type of university we are".

30 October

The vice-chancellor of Cranfield University, Sir John O'Reilly, will become director general of knowledge and innovation at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills from early February next year, it has been announced.

29 October

A panel of academics chaired by former University Challenge quizmaster Bamber Gascoigne faced a barrage of questions from the public ranging from "Why does it matter how it all began?" and "Does the rise of women mean the end of men?" to whether they preferred Homeland or Downton Abbey.

28 October

More than 40 scientific organisations, including 15 universities, have pledged to be more open about the animal research they carry out in the wake of an opinion poll indicating declining public support for the use of animals in research.

22 October

The chairman of the Association of Business Schools has attacked the "misplaced tyranny" that science, technology, engineering and maths subjects have in policymaking circles and argued that leadership and management are equally crucial to reviving the economy.

16 October

"Organisational effectiveness is not viewed as simply foregrounding cost savings, but instead a much more complex interplay of influences and drivers that facilitate opportunities for enhancing the ways in which we manage movement."

15 October