Bridging the SDG awareness gap
James Miller, Andrew Hursthouse
University of the West of Scotland
Advice for inspiring, creating and supporting greener universities
An environmentally sustainable future rests on world-leading innovation, bold research, education, community engagement and knowledge exchange between scientists and industry. With the right approach, universities can deliver on all these elements, enabling some of our brightest minds to focus on tackling the climate crisis. As tens of thousands of delegates gather in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), this collection offers advice from global higher education on creating greener institutions, research and teaching. Resources cover practical actions to advance sustainability across the sector, from embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into courses and curricula to reducing waste and emissions on campus and developing the next generation of environmental leaders
Interdisciplinary collaboration is key to solving the climate challenge and finding ways to live sustainably. These resources offer ways to embed sustainability into teaching, bring staff on board, and use projects to share that expertise beyond disciplinary silos.
Long-term sustainability and resilience within higher education will depend on investment in greener campuses and actions that foster a culture of environmental awareness across institutions. While protecting the planet, this will also appeal to students for whom climate change is a major and growing concern. These resources look at the value of renewables, green space and recycling initiatives.
Universities understand the multiple benefits of sharing expertise. So, while travel comes with considerable carbon costs, events such as COP29 and other summits give climate and environmental researchers both formal and informal opportunities for discussion and knowledge exchange and to move thinking forward.