Unlocking the potential of open access and open research

A guide to open access – what it is, how to do it and how it can move research forward

A hand holds a bunch of keys

The open access movement seeks to allow scholars to unlock the doors to research and share their publications, data and other outputs with the academy – and the world beyond. Whether they are turning to diamond, gold, bronze or green OA, more and more researchers are looking to open access to ensure their work is available free and without restriction online. OA embraces the FAIR ethos of open research: the idea that knowledge should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Learn how to use open research, how to set up your own journal, the potential pitfalls, and what the future holds for open access.

Open research: what is it, really?

Open research principles aim to foster openness, transparency, replicability and accountability, writes Steven Vidovic. Here, he offers a fresh perspective along with practices to establish trust in research and foster collaborations and future opportunities

Steven U. Vidovic

University of Southampton

A laptop screen represents a bookshelf stuffed with journals
The Oval Room of the Richilieu National Library in Paris, France
A digitally-generated key and hand