Reopening and reconnecting: how to establish connection with first-years studying in the new normalAgnes Chikonzo offers three key ways that university services can engage students and give them a sense of belonging back on campusAgnes ChikonzoThe University of Zimbabwe
Talking about taboos: how to create an open atmosphere for discussing difficult subjectsLindsay Morgan offers practical, step-by-step advice for removing barriers to addressing uncomfortable topics such as consent and menstruationLindsay MorganEdinburgh Napier University
How to foster student well-being with online mindfulness trainingAdam Kay explains how educators can effectively use an innovative, freely available, and research-backed online mindfulness programme for student well-beingAdam KayThe University of Queensland
Supporting student action on sustainabilityStudents want opportunities to develop skills and knowledge to address sustainability issues. Matthew Lawson describes how sustainability can be embedded into the student experienceMatthew LawsonThe University of Edinburgh
Mind matters: embedding socio-emotional learning in higher education curriculaKathleen Chim and Benjamin Chan explain how universities can embed socio-emotional learning into courses across multiple disciplines to better prepare students for the future workplaceKathleen Chim, Benjamin Tak Yuen ChanHong Kong Metropolitan University
Building a community of support for remote students through academic advising Janet Morrison details academic advising strategies that keep students feeling connected and supported throughout their educational journeys when learning online Janet MorrisonChamplain College Online
Scaling up student support servicesSuzanne Mitchell advises on how to scale up student support services, using technology that provides multiple communications channels and early warning systems to assist specialist staff teamsSuzanne MitchellArden University
Pronouncing students’ names correctly: the whys and howsXin Xu, Natasha Robinson and Niall Winters explain why correctly articulating students’ names is so important to an inclusive learning environment, and provide practical tips for pronouncing Chinese namesXin Xu, Natasha Robinson, Niall WintersUniversity of Oxford
What can we learn from students about online education? Yidan Qin shares some key lessons from a survey of students regarding what is needed to make online teaching effective Yidan QinXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Turning a new page: information literacy goes onlineXiaowei Li and Lulu Wang explore how to take an on-campus institution such as a university library online to deliver hands-on information literacy skills to students around the world Xiaowei Li, Lulu WangXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
How universities can support students’ return to campus post-pandemicDanielle McDonald and colleagues share advice on how universities can approach welcoming two student cohorts to campus for the first time, staying mindful of the vastly different attitudes among students relating to the post-pandemic transition Danielle McDonald, Anita Sahgal, Jennifer DiPrete, Allison CrumeUniversity of South Florida
How to prevent cyberbullying from rearing its ugly head in universities Christy Cheung presents preventive measures universities should take to tackle cyberbullying among students working onlineChristy Cheung Hong Kong Baptist University
Supporting students’ emotional needs in distance learning Yanfang Si shares simple online teaching methods to make students feel connected and supported and so help meet their emotional needs from a distanceYanfang SiXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Using online coaching to support student well-being Helen Duff explains how a human approach to providing support online, in the form of coaching sessions, can have a powerful impact on student well-being Helen DuffArden University
Online teaching tips to support student well-beingNatalie Kopytko provides practical tips to address student well-being via online teaching practices that can also benefit faculty Natalie KopytkoUniversity of Leeds
Online teaching insights, part three: managing workload issues and stressInsights and lessons on effective tools and techniques to improve online teaching put together by faculty spanning dozens of disciplines at the American University in Cairo Hoda Mostafa, Maha BaliAmerican University in Cairo
Embracing a compassionate approach in higher education Caroline Harvey and Frances Maratos explain how to embed compassionate communication into higher education when teaching online Caroline Harvey, Frances MaratosUniversity of Derby
Supporting students with Covid-related anxiety when teaching onlineHelping students manage their anxieties is good pedagogy as it helps them learn. Alexandra Dufresne shares her tips for making students feel supported in the online learning environment Alexandra Dufresne Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Alleviating student anxiety using messaging appsJonathan Sim explains how he supported his class remotely using the Telegram messaging app to keep a regular flow of communication and reassure students they were not alone in having queriesJonathan SimNational University of Singapore
Using the art of storytelling to help students build resilience when learning online Judith Francois describes how she facilitates storytelling via online channels to help students build resilience and feel more connectedJudith FrancoisKingston University
Training students to learn successfully online Universities need to help students develop a whole new set of skills to ensure they get the most out of remote learning, says Nikita Hari Nikita Hari University of Oxford
How to offer students a rewarding university experience onlineSuccessfully teaching online is just one part of the battle to serve students remotely. Here David Woolley talks about what more universities can do to give students a fulfilling experience when they cannot attend in personDavid WoolleyNottingham Trent University
Points to consider when personal tutoring remotely With many remote students feeling anxious, personal tutors are often the first port of call. Michael Draper talks through things to consider in order to maintain a supportive and helpful relationship with tutees from a distance Michael DraperSwansea University
Evolution not revolution: strengthening student services online Digital technologies are more than a short-term emergency tool; they provide an opportunity to enhance student support services long after a return to campus, explain Steven Goss and Amy Greenstein Steven Goss, Amy GreensteinManhattan College, Metropolitan College of New York
Give students confidence to 'be wrong, loudly’ in online classes For students to learn effectively online, they must be willing to get things wrong and be corrected. But speaking up in an online class can be intimidating so instructors must take active steps to promote fearless class participation, explains Riley Lovejoy Riley LovejoyUniversity of Alabama
Developing students’ confidence and sense of belonging online With most students new to online learning, many may lack the confidence to actively participate in group classes. Georgina Blakeley offers her tips on fostering a sense of belonging that aids interaction among studentsGeorgina BlakeleyUniversity of Huddersfield
How to create human connection when teaching onlineInstructors teaching online must take steps to connect with their students via digital channels and compensate for the loss of natural face-to-face cues and communication. Flower Darby explains how Flower DarbyNorthern Arizona University
Instant messaging for improving instructor feedback in distance learning One of the biggest challenges to online learning is lack of immediate instructor feedback, Justin Fendos’ research revealed. So his team trialled instant messaging to enable prompt responses Justin FendosDongseo University
Pastoral care for students in the digital classroom Providing the pastoral care students need can be difficult when teaching remotely. Here, Chris Headleand offers tips on looking out for students’ general well-being when limited to online communication Chris HeadleandUniversity of Lincoln
Netiquette: encouraging good behaviour in online classesOnline teaching can blur boundaries between home and university, so lecturers must take steps to ensure a safe and respectful online learning environment through good ‘netiquette’. Sam Smidt and Joanna Stroud explain howSam Smidt, Joanna StroudUniversity College London
Socio-emotional learning online: boosting student resilience and well-beingThe Covid-19 crisis has led to worsening mental health and increased stress among students. Kathleen Chim talks about how the Open University of Hong Kong has tried to build students’ mental resilience through socio-emotional learning Benjamin Tak Yuen Chan, Kathleen ChimHong Kong Metropolitan University
Soft skills: how to promote student collaboration in online environments Online collaboration is not an innate skill for most students but something that instructors must cultivate. Hugh McFaul explains how he did this through careful design of the content and assessment on his course Hugh McFaulThe Open University
THE Student success forum: taking student life onlineStudent affairs leaders from four US universities share insight on how they enhanced the student experience after Covid-19 forced virtually all their campus activities to move online Martino Harmon, Erin Hoffman Harding, Nancy Young, Beth McCuskeyUniversity of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Purdue University
The secret to timely, relevant, inclusive communication with studentsEffective communication is vital to engaging and positive remote study. Cathy Stone offers advice on how to ensure communication between institutions and students is timely, relevant and inclusiveCathy StoneThe University of Newcastle, Australia