On the move

四月 30, 1999

Jacqui Johnson, a lecturer in communications and media studies at Bracknell and Wokingham College, has been elected vice-president of university and college lecturers' union Natfhe. She will take up office on May 30 at the end of the union's national conference in Southport and will become president a year later.

Gavin Reid, professor of economics at the University of St Andrews, has been elected president of the Scottish Economic Society.

Karl Linklater, interim principal and chief executive of the Scottish Agricultural College, has been confirmed in the post. He replaced Phil Thomas, who retired in February.

David Filmer, development and research officer at CanDo, which runs a specialised careers information website for university students and graduates with disabilities, has become acting director of the service. He replaces Shelley Willson, CanDo's founder and director for the past three years.

The University of Kent at Canterbury has appointed Keith Mander, head of the department of computer science at the University of York, professor of computing from July and head of the computing laboratory from August.

K. Ben Nowman, lecturer in financial econometrics at the City University Business School, has been appointed reader in finance and financial econometrics at the Canterbury Business School from July.

Donald Preece, part-time professor of statistics at the University of Kent, has been appointed honorary professor of combinatorial mathematics from October.

The University of Wales College of Medicine has awarded personal chairs to Robert Nicholson, professor in the Tenovus Cancer Research Centre at the university, and Mark Worwood, a reader in the department of haematology.

Huw Kyffin, former quality manager for West Kent College and a registered inspector for the Further Education Funding Council, has been appointed manager of Cyngor NTO Cymru, the new National Training Organisation National Council Welsh office.

Clare Matterson, former consultant in higher education policy and practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers and a senior policy adviser to the Dearing committee, has joined the Wellcome Trust as head of the unit for policy research in science and medicine.



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