Points scored by institutions on a scale of one to four in six categories. The highest total is 24. Totals are in brackets.
Italian: Top, Queen Mary and Westfield (23) Bottom, Huddersfield (15)
French: Top, QMW, Northumbria, Westminster, Portsmouth (23) Bottom, Bournemouth (13)
Russian and East European languages: Top, Sheffield (24) Bottom, La Sainte Union (13)
German: Top, Northumbria, QMW (23) Bottom, La Sainte Union (13)
Iberian languages Top, Hull (24) Bottom, Bournemouth (14)
Linguistics: Top, Lancaster, QMW (23) Bottom, Exeter (16)
Chemical engineering: Top, Cambridge (23) Bottom, Surrey (18) South Bank Sociology: Top, Open University, Sussex, Warwick, Birmingham (24) Bottom, University of East Anglia, Lincolnshire, Buckinghamshire (16)
Source: HEFCE.