Industry highlights science malaise

四月 4, 1997

MAJOR participants in the British pharmaceutical industry have signed a pre-election manifesto in an attempt to reverse declining standards in research.

At least ten influential organisations representing diverse pharmaceutical industry interests including the American Pharmaceutical Group and the Ethical Medicine Industry Group argue that the education system is failing to produce quality scientists and that research is underfunded.

The document highlights other key concerns including the decline of academic infrastructure and the use of outdated equipment and it spells out what the industry wants from government. It is to be presented to all main political parties.

Jeff Kipling, director of science and technology at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said: "There is widespread concern that the educational system is not delivering high-quality science graduates with the appropriate practical skills.

"There is a real danger that international pharmaceutical groups will start to look to other European countries to invest if the decline in quality continues."



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