Norwich University of the Arts

2025 世界大学排名
Francis House, 3-7 Redwell Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4SN, United Kingdom

关于 Norwich University of the Arts

Norwich University of the Arts (NUA) has a history that dates back to 1845 when The Norwich School of Design was established. In 2008 the school was granted the power to award degrees up to master's level and was renamed Norwich University College of Arts. In 2012 it gained full university status and became Norwich University of the Arts.

The university offers courses in the fields of in architecture, art, design, and media. Teaching is often practical, giving students the opportunity to experiment with different techniques and try different formats. There are both undergraduate and postgraduate courses available for students to study.

Throughout the academic year, students are able to display their work in the East Gallery. The venue is funded by the university and showcases the best modern and contemporary art. It also provides valuable experience for students studying for an MA in curation, as well as those seeking to gain practice working as gallery assistants.

Annual degree shows are another way that the university celebrates student creativity. Degree shows are free events that showcase thousands of pieces of work by talented undergraduate students. Many of their pieces are available for the public to purchase.

The university is located in Norwich, a city in Norfolk, England. Norwich is considered a creative city with a thriving arts, music and cultural scene. It is the UK’s most vegan-friendly city, as well as being one of the greenest. The city boasts medieval architecture, an award-winning outdoor market and the vintage Norwich Lanes. Norwich is also England’s first UNESCO City of Literature and home to the UK’s National Writing Centre.


Norwich University of the Arts 的排名数据分析





  • 65 : 35
  • 13%
  • 15.0
  • 2,625
    Number of FTE Students
  • 33%
    Proportion of ISR Publications
基于 (1) 2025 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

Norwich University of the Arts 的授予学科

  • Arts & humanities

    • Architecture
    • Art, Performing Arts & Design
  • Business & economics

    • Business & Management
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science