Devolution may make SHEFC redundant

十月 30, 1998

Scottish university leaders are questioning whether the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council should continue to exist under a devolved parliament.

The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals has raised the issue of the Shefc's future in a discussion document for its annual forum, held today at Napier University, on The Scottish Parliament: The Prospects for Scottish Higher Education.

The radical document aims to stimulate debate on the sector's future through a series of questions, one of which moots the need for a funding council. When the Shefc was set up in 1992, it says, institutions wanted a buffer body rather than direct Scottish Office funding.

"Many support the continuation of a funding council to 'mediate' between higher education institutions and government. Others, however, argue that this suggests the degree of independence of the council is greater than it is in practice," it says.

The Shefc exists to carry out government policy and it is possible to see this happening through direct negotiations between the sector and the Scottish Office education and industry department.

"Many developing European countries have opted for a more direct relationship with government on the basis that they cannot afford, and cannot see the need for a funding council," the paper says. It warns that higher education will come under scrutiny from a Scottish parliament.



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