Each month this section will list funds available for academic researchers. Details should be submitted to research@thesis.co.uk
Royal Geographical Society
tel: 0171 591 3073 www.rgs.org email: grants@rgs.org
Whitley Award Scheme for International Nature Conservation
The scheme funds nature conservation projects can be located anywhere in the world. Preference given to those who commit a considerable period to working in their chosen field and who have established a viable operation involving team members from the host country. The winner of the Whitley Award will receive Pounds 40,000 payable in two instalments.
Ralph Brown Expedition Award
The award supports a multidisciplinary research expedition associated with the study of inland or coastal wetlands, rivers or the shallow (less than 200m) marine environment. There is one annual grant of Pounds 15,000.
Deadline: November 30.
Application form available from http://www. whitley-award.org, or email Grants Manager on grants@rgs.org Faxed or emailed applications are not acceptable.
Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
http://www. terena.nl/ info/
Invitation for Technical Project Proposals
The TERENA Technical Programme co-ordinates new and emerging technical activities on behalf of research and education network users in Europe. Project proposals up to 100,000 ECU will be considered. Proposers will be expected to develop the outline into a more detailed document which will form the reference for all work carried out.
Proposals should be sent by email to tech-staff@terena.nl. Potential candidates may contact TERENA technical staff at the same address to help develop the proposal. Further information on the TERENA web pages.
British Council, Japan
www.gate-uk.co.jp/ council/science/ crp.htm
Collaborative Research Projects - CRP1
CRPs provide funding for travel and subsistence to support basic, pre-competitive and publishable collaborative research between UK and Japanese research groups. Grants cover 2-3 short-term exchanges per annum for UK-Japan collaborative research in science, engineering, agriculture and medicine. The project should be undertaken by two or more researchers on each side with a proven research record, holding a PhD or having equivalent experience and following a research career in an academic or governmental research institution. The council's contribution for a CRP will not exceed Pounds 5,000. Application form on website or by sending A4-size self-addressed envelope to: Science Exchanges Officer (CRP), British Council, 2, Kagurazaka l-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0825 Tel: (03) 3235-8078
Deadline: December 1.
European Science Foundation
Call for outline proposals for scientific programmes in the physical and engineering sciences.
Deadline: December 1.
Call for outline proposals for ESF scientific programmes preferably related to the domains of chemistry and engineering sciences. Outline proposals should aim at networking approaches on challenging R&D topics related to: 1. Chemical and physical systems at extreme scales and conditions ("breaking the nano-metre and femto-second barriers").
2. Novel materials systems and complex molecules.
3. Complex systems with non-linear and stochastic behaviour.
4. Complex technical systems and technologies.
5. Advanced computing methods and systems.
Contact: Marie Clifford, ESF, Secretariat for the Physical & Engineering Sciences
1, Quai Lezay Marnesia, F - 67080 Strasbourg Cedex +33 (0)3 88 76 71 07. Email: PESC@esf.org
World Cancer Research Fund
Science Department 105 Park Street London W1Y 3FB Tel: 0171 343 4200 Fax: 0171 343 4201
Food, Nutrition and Cancer
Small number of three-year grants up to a total of Pounds 100,000 to fund epidemiological and experimental research into the effects of food and nutrition on the origins, causes and prevention of cancer. Innovative proposals encouraged; particularly those designed to increase understanding of dietary means to prevent cancer, or to improve the quality of life of the cancer patient. Application forms from the above address.
Deadline: December 18.
Funding listings are Compiled by Sarah Knowles
.0171 782 3225
Email: sarah. knowles@ newsint.co.uk.