(Photograph) - Hands on: education secretary David Blunkett opened a unique interactive science learning zone at Sheffield Hallam University this week. The Scope (Sciences Centred Opportunities for Pupil Experiences) centre cost Pounds 1 million and is the only university-based facility of its kind in the UK. It offers experiments school children can use to explain the basic scientific principles of light, sound, heat, static electricity and liquids. As part of a post-festive policy drive, Mr Blunkett and prime minister Tony Blair today announced the second round of education action zones. Mr Blunkett called for more radical EAZ initiatives designed to raise school standards and boost numbers progressing to further education. Up to Pounds 1 million a year for the next three years is available to new EAZ partnerships. The first 25 are already operational and new ones will start between January and September next year. Deadline for applications is April 16.