Don's Diary

四月 16, 1999

MONDAY. "Progress" meeting for the Unit for Space Sciences and Astrophysics at 9am. This week sees the switch-on of one of our experiments on the Cassini spacecraft, currently en route to Saturn. With our sensors on the Nasa Stardust mission also awaiting their first interplanetary dust impact, this calls for a press release. Last week of term. Maybe a chance for a bigger push on research? But first catch up on email, teaching assessment, student project viva and lecture. Maybe tomorrow?


John Davies emails from Hawaii with feedback on publication plan for our outer solar system planetesimal observation programme. I must get data analysis completed (I must get my postgrad, John, to get data analysis completed). I am beginning to get this delegation skill sorted out. Last two lectures of the week; I am now reaping the benefits of eight a week last term. Finish early to give students time to say (nice?) things about me on the feedback forms.


John sends Hawaii data for 199*QJ1 (asteroid in a comet-like orbit) to compare with our La Palma data. Must find time ... but first ... Space Exploration research group meeting; Cassini progress meeting; unit staff meeting to discuss long-term strategy; preparation for Quality Assurance Agency visit; a string of students coming to sign out (oh dear, I am becoming an old fart - "I never left before the last day of term").


Cassini experiment switched on this morning. First ever in situ measurement of the composition of interplanetary dust expected in next few weeks. Rush from BSc project viva to meet team from Leicester Space Centre. Initial discomfort at helping a rival university which also offers degrees in physics/space science gives way to enthusiasm for an exciting project. We promise some exhibits.


Divide up press release responses - I get the "Kent space boffin solves the secrets of the Universe" exaggeration in the local newspaper. Good news - our (my postgrad Michael's) comet coma model is finished (how many times have I heard that?). Now he "only" has to test it and write up his thesis.


Manage to keep my promise to Mary - one day off work each week - and the sun is shining.


Where to start? Telescope proposal? That first-year astronomy marking I have had for too long? QAA documents? Data analysis? Better do that "Don's Diary" thing first...

Simon Green

Senior lecturer, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent at Canterbury.



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