Sources for research funding

九月 24, 1999

Each week this section will list funds available for researchers. Items for inclusion should be submitted to




Darwin Initiative - Eighth call

The DETR is now inviting applications from British institutions, organisations and individuals for support for projects under the Darwin Initiative to commence in April 2000. The Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species seeks to help safeguard the world's biodiversity by drawing on British strengths in this area to assist those countries that are rich in biodiversity but poor in financial resources. Applications are invited for funding to support projects in the following areas: institutional capacity building training; research work to implement the Biodiversity Convention of 1992; environmental education and awareness. Projects may be of any length, however, projects lasting more than one year will be reviewed each year. Deadline: October 22. Contact: Valerie Richardson, Darwin Initiative Secretariat, 4/A1 Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6DE; Tel: 0171 890 6204.


Research Grants

The focus of the Hereditary Disease Foundation is on Huntington's disease. Support will be for research projects that will contribute to identifying and understanding the basic defect in Huntington's disease. Areas of interest include trinucleotide expansions, animal models, gene therapy, neurobiology and development of the basal ganglia, cell survival and death, and intercellular signaling in striatal neurons. Deadlines: October 15; February 15, and August 15. Applications will be reviewed in January, May, and October. To obtain an application, please submit a letter of intent no more than one page long. It may be submitted at any time to following address: The Hereditary Disease Foundation, Attn: Dr Allan Tobin, Scientific Director, 14 7th Street, No2, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA. The maximum award for research grants is $50,000. Grants are usually for one year with a possibility of renewal. Grants are considered seed money. If the project shows promise, it is hoped that other institutions will fund it thereafter. The Foundation does not generally include the salary of the principal investigator. Indirect costs are not allowed, but fringe benefits are considered part of personnel costs and are allowed. Grant applications should be completed and forwarded with thirty copies. If reprints are to be considered as part of the application, eight copies must be included for primary reviews.


Grants available in 1999-2000

The British Academy has funds available to support advanced research, with the focus on individual scholars (rather than institutionally-based, large-scale project work).

Small Personal Research Grants: up to Pounds 5,000. Grants are available for research in the humanities and the social sciences, to cover the direct expenses associated with a research programme including travel, accommodation, maintenance, research and secretarial assistance, consumables etc. Deadlines: September 30, November 30, February 29 and April 30. Overseas Conference Grants: grants are available to cover the travel costs to enable a scholar to deliver a paper at a conference overseas. Deadlines as for small personal research grants. British Conference Grants: grants are available towards the costs of holding a conference in the UK, particularly bringing overseas speakers to the UK. Further details on these schemes, and other programmes administered by the British Academy, can be found on the website. Contact: The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH; Tel: 0171 969 5200; Email:



Research Award


All Dermatology Foundation awards are intended to advance the research careers of young individuals in dermatology and cutaneous biology, with the emphasis on research benefiting the dermatology community at large. Research must be conducted in the USA under the sponsorship of a division or department of dermatology.

Deadline: October 15.

Research Fellowships

Fellowships to support research training in dermatology and cutaneous biology. Special fellowships are available in the areas of epidermolysis bullosa, laser surgery and melanoma. Purpose: to support post-doctoral fellows. Requirements: applications will be accepted from individuals holding an MD or PhD

or equivalent.

Research Grants

Grants for research projects in dermatology and cutaneous biology. Special grants are

available for research in


dermtopathology, skin cancer and ichthyosis.

Contact: Dermatology Foundation, 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201-4808, USA; Email:


Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Processes and European Climate

This new programme will contribute to the strategic goals of the Atmospheric Science and Technology Board who are allocating Pounds 4.85 million to COAPEC. The research area will be seasonal to decadal ocean-atmosphere interactions and their impact on the climate of the UK and northwest Europe. Key issues include: observed characteristics of seasonal-to-decadal climate variability; comparison of mean climate and climate variability simulated by a Coupled General Circulation Model with observations; physical mechanisms that determine the mean climate and seasonal-to-decadal climate variability;

processes that determine the predictability of climate fluctuations in the Atlantic-European region; bridging the gap between scientific output and societal needs. There are likely to be two calls for proposals over the lifetime of the programme and up to Pounds 1.5 million will be available in this first round. UK researchers are invited to submit an outline proposal to carry out research to address the key issues of the programme by October 29, using the downloadable Outline Bid form. The Steering Committee will decide which bids should be developed into full applications and Principal Investigators will be informed by the end of November. Full applications will be required by February 14, 2000. Information on application procedures, application forms, and regulations are available on the NERC Awards and Training website: /awards. Contact the Programme Administrator, Dr Lisa Hole (Tel: 01793 411502; Email:, with any general queries.


Electricity Supply Research for the

21st Century

ESR21 addresses research issues for the electricity generation, transmission and distribution sector. The Programme operates with two calls for Proposals per year (normally in April and October). A feature of the Programme will be circulation of selected outline proposals to the ESR21 Industrial contacts. This stage aims to increase industrial participation in research projects and to facilitate the formation of a network of academic/industrial contacts. High quality research proposals are sought from eligible institutions for engineering and physical science research relating to the needs of the electricity generation, transmission & distribution Industry, including supply chain issues. Further details are on the website. Deadline for outline proposals: October 15. Deadline for full proposals: April 28, 2000. Contact: Larry Atwood (Associate Programme Manager), Engineering Programmes, EPSRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1ET;

Tel: 01793 444 282; Fax: 01793 444 187; Email:



ARBORICULTURE Duling grants program

Research grants are awarded annually (in the spring) for research in

one or more of the following areas: ecological benefits of the urban forest;

economic benefits of the urban forest; innovative tree care techniques and practices; urban tree genetics; impact of the urban forest on energy consumption; basic tree biology. Normally about ten research grants are awarded annually; each grant not to exceed $5,000. Grants are normally awarded to scientists and/or practitioners in the field of aboriculture or urban forestry. There are no eligibility requirements. Application consists of a two-page form (available from the ISA website). Deadline: November 1. (Note: applications must be received by this date, not just postmarked). For

further information contact: ISA Research Trust, PO Box 3129, Champaign, Illinois 61826- 3129, USA.




Intellectual property & broadcaster's rights

DG XV, the department of the European Commission responsible for matters relating to the Internal Market and financial services, is calling for tenders for a study relating to the conditions applicable to intellectual property contracts in the EU and the protection of broadcaster's rights at European and international level. The call is divided into two lots, the first relating to copyright and neighbouring rights in the EU. The purpose of this is to assess the impact of differences in legislation on the smooth functioning of the single market, and the need for further harmonisation at Community level of contract rules. The second lot relates to a study of broadcaster's rights. It is aimed at evaluating the need to update broadcaster's rights at Community and international level. Deadline for requesting tender documents: October 4. Deadline for submitting tenders: October 18. For further information, please contact:

European Commission

DG XV - Internal Market and financial services,

Unit E.3, 200 rue de la Loi (C-100 1/131)

B-1040 Brussels. Fax: +32-2-2993051


British-Italian Joint Research Programme 1999-2000

The British Council in Italy invites proposals for support under this programme to promote the development of British-Italian scientific cooperation between universities and public sector research institutes in Italy and the UK. It provides a contribution towards travel and living expenses, but does not cover research costs.

Given that a key objective of the programme is to establish long term collaborative links between institutions and individuals, preference will be given to those projects which encourage the exchange of younger researchers. Applications are invited in the following fields: Changing

cities in Europe: innovative strategies and tools for urban management: research projects should take into consideration: urban competitiveness and social cohesion; urban governance: intergovernmental joint action, public private partnerships; inclusive policies: citizens as actors in urban regeneration. Cell communication in the neurosciences: towards an understanding of cell physiology and communication in the nervous system, especially during development, with the aim of helping to treat disorders of the system. New perspectives in

aeronautics: research projects should involve the processing, characterisation and measurements of physical properties of materials in the field of advanced materials for aeronautical and aerospace applications, eg. advanced A1 alloys (airframes); high temperature Ni-based alloys (gas turbines); Ti alloys (compressors); Ti aluminides; metal and ceramic-matrix composites. Genetically modified crops, plant genome research, genome analysis:

the potential exists for rapid advance in the plant sciences through the application of genomics. Genomics is concerned with the analysis and comparison of gene sequences. Plant genomics will enable genes controlling agriculturally important traits to be identified and will open up opportunities for improved crop production. Research projects should reflect the above. Deadline: October 15. Proposals will be assessed in January 2000. Guidance notes and application forms can be obtained on the British Council web site and the CRUI web site Further information can be obtained from


Research Methods for Occupational Cancer

The purpose of this initiative is to stimulate the development of new methods to address etiologic and intervention questions pertaining to occupational cancers. These methods should be of particular utility in addressing problem

issues with contemporary and future cancer hazards including low level

exposures, mixtures, inherited host factors, and interaction with non-

occupational, environmental risk factors. The advances of molecular biology, analytical chemistry and the genome project should be incorporated, whenever possible, to enhance and strengthen proposed studies and to integrate

molecular biologic approaches in epidemiologic study designs. Research applications are sought to develop, validate, and field test methods for predicting and identifying potential new occupations carcinogens; developing early warning systems for exposed populations; testing interventions; and enhancing cross-species extrapolations. Research applications are sought also to improve retrospective exposure assessment, to find new ways to focus on understudied populations, such as women and minorities, and to better assess the occupational role in transgenerational cancers. There is also a need to find new ways and approaches for interrupting the etiologic and natural pathways between an occupational exposure and resultant cancers. Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D.

Research Grants Program, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1600 Clifton Road, N.E.Building 1, Room 3053, MS D-30, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA; Tel: (404) 639- 3343; Fax: (404) 639- 4616; Email:



The Anglo-German Foundation considers applications for funding for research projects, seminars, workshops and conferences on any issue relevant to the beneficial development of industrial society. At present, the following areas are of special but not exclusive interest: employment and unemployment; public spending and taxation; the future of the welfare state; adjustment to European and global change; the environment. The research projects and events supported by the Anglo-German Foundation are usually comparative in nature and carried out or organised jointly by teams in Britain and Germany who submit a single application. In the first instance contact Projects Director, Dr Ray Cunningham, at the address below with a brief outline of the proposed research. Minor grants: up to Pounds 4,000 (or the equivalent in DM or in both currencies). Applications can be submitted at any time after consultation with Dr Cunningham. Major grants: up to Pounds 50,000 (or the equivalent in DM or in both currencies). Applications for large grants have to be submitted to the Foundation's Board of Trustees. Contact: Anglo-German Foundation, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2LP; Tel: 0171 404 3137; Fax: 0171 405 2071; Email: Annual deadlines: November 30; March 31; July 31.


Showcase scheme

The Governors wish to continue to encourage 'high-risk' research proposals in the biomedical sciences which go beyond the normal funding pattern of the Trust's advisory panels. Applicants at all stages of their careers are invited to submit innovative, speculative, adventurous and novel proposals although the Governors would particularly like to encourage applications from new postdoctoral researchers. Applicants should be researchers in universities or other institutes of higher education in the UK or the Republic of Ireland. Individuals whose salaries derive from Research Councils, cancer charities or the commercial sector are not eligible to apply.

Applications should be made online. Deadline: October 28. Proposals should be returned via the online form or addressed to: Dr Gavin Malloch, The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road

London NW1 2BE;

Email: showcase@



Higher Education Research and Special Expenses Fund

Study grants are available to teachers and lecturers at institutions in the Inner London (ex-GLC/ILEA) area. Preference is given to applicants engaged in teaching engineering and allied technical subjects, but other applicants may be considered. Recent awards have ranged from Pounds 200 - Pounds 500. Details available from: Assistant Education Officer (ref: HERSEF 2), Corporation of London, P.O.Box 0, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ Fax (020) 7332 1621.

Applications can be submitted at any time.




The Society sponsors a number of fellowships to enable members of the

medical and scientific professions working in the UK or Ireland in experimental and/or pathologically or microbiologically related research to travel to other institutions for periods of up to 12

months to learn new techniques of value in their clinical and/or laboratory research. Deadlines: October 1 and March 1. Further details and application forms are available from the

Society's office, 2 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AF (Tel: 0171

976 1260). Funding listings

are compiled by Sarah Knowles 0171 782 3225

Email: sarah.knowles@



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