The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in Computer Science #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.
Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualification level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.
Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help
Computer Science
Aberdeen U. Computing Science Dr G Kemp Tel: 01224 2296; URL:http://www.csd. £ A
Abertay U. Informatics Dr Ian Marshall Tel: 01382 308611 £? A?
Wales: Aberystwyth Computer Science Miss Catrin James Tel: 01970 6220;URL: £ A?
Anglia P.U. Applied Sciences: Information Systems and Computing Division DrChristina Davies Tel: 01223 3631; URL:
Wales: Bangor Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems Prof D BradleyTel: 01248 382680; URL:
Bath U. Mathematical Sciences: Computing Dr J A Padget Tel: 01225 826971;URL: £? A?
Queen's U. of Belfast Computer Science Dr P L Kilpatrick Tel: 01232 4648;URL: £ A?
Birmingham U. Computer Science Dr P J Hancox Tel: 0121 414 4782; URL: £ A
Bournemouth U. Design Engineering and Computing: Department of ComputingProf Martin Shepperd Tel: 01202 595078; URL: http://www. £A? Design Engineering and Computing: Department of Electronics Prof DenzilClaremont Tel: 01202 595078; URL: http://www. £? A?
Bradford U. Computing Prof D D Kouvatsos Tel: 014 383918 Fax: 014 383920
Brighton U. Information Technology Research Institute Prof Donia Scott Tel:013 642900; URL: http://www.
Bristol U. Computer Science Postgraduate Admissions Tel: 0117 928 5130Email:; Mrs L Neck Tel: 0117 928 9725 Engineering Mathematics Dr T Martin Tel: 0117 928 8200Email:; Mrs L Neck Tel: 0117 928 9725 £? A?
Bristol: UWE Centre for Complex Co-operative Systems Nigel Baker Tel: 0117965 6261 ext 3135 Email: Computing: Centre for PersonalInformation Management Annette Brune Tel: 0117 976 3973; URL: Computer Studies andMathematics Sue Forse Tel: 0117 976 2325; URL: http://www. £?A? Computer Studies and Mathematics: Department of Computing Tony SolomonidesTel: 0117 976 3992 Email: uk Intelligent Computer Systems CentreDr L Bull Tel: 0117 965 6261 ext 3161; URL: http://www.
Brunel U. Business and Management Dr B G Bainbridge Tel: 0181 891 0121; URL:http://sol. A?
Buckingham U. Computer Science Dr Sabah Jassim Tel: 01280 814080; URL: £?
Buckinghamshire C.H.E. (Brunel U.) Computing and Electronics Janet PayneTel: 01494 522141 Email:
Canterbury Christ Church College (Kent U.) Mathematics and InformationTechnology Kendra Perrott Tel: 012 7801 Email:
Wales: Cardiff Computer Science Alex Gray Tel: 01222 874440; URL: £? A?
Wales: Cardiff Institute (U. of Wales) Business, Leisure and Food: School ofComputer Information Systems Dr Tom Carnduff Tel: 01222 506394; URL: £? A?
Central Lancashire U. Computing Dr Duncan Telfer Tel: 01772 893285; URL: £?
Chester U. C. (Liverpool U.) Computer Science: Information Systems Mr DennisHolman Tel: 01244 375444 Fax: 01244 373379
City U. Centre for HCI Design Prof A G Sutcliffe Tel: 0171 477 8411; URL:http://www.soi. Business Computing Dr J OJenkins Tel: 0171 477 8410; URL:
Coventry U. Mathematical and Information Sciences Dr A James Tel: 01203838673; URL: http://www. £ A?
Cranfield: Cranfield Applied Mathematics and Computing Dr C P Thompson Tel:01234 754634; URL: College of Aeronautics Prof D JAllerton Tel: 01234 754700; URL: http://www.
Cranfield: Shrivenham Informatics and Simulation Dr Alan Harrison Tel: 01793785686; URL: http://www. £ A?
De Montfort U. Computer and Information Sciences Dr G J Clapworthy Tel:01908 834931; URL: http://www. ComputerScience Dr C Czarnecki Tel: 0116 255 1551 ext 8495; URL: Information Systems Dr NeilMcBride Tel: 0116 250 6256; URL: http://www.
Derby U. Mathematics and Computing Dr A Booth Tel: 01332 622222 ext 1876Email:
Durham U. Computer Science Prof R Garigliano Tel: 0191 374 2639; URL:
East Anglia U. Computing Science: Department of Information Systems Prof V JRayward-Smith Tel: 01603 592850 Email:
Edinburgh U. Artificial Intelligence Mrs J Gordon Tel: 0131 650 3094(9am-1pm); URL: http://www. £ Computer Science Eleanor KerseTel: 0131 650 5156/7; URL: http://www.
Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt U. Computing and Electrical Engineering Dr AndrewWallace Tel: 0131 451 3423; URL: http://www.
Essex U. Computer Science Postgraduate Degrees Officer Tel: 01206 872256;URL: http://www. £ A?
Exeter U. Computer Science Dr S Turner Tel: 01392 264048; URL: £? A?
Glamorgan U. Computer Studies Prof B F Jones Tel: 01443 4830; URL: Mathematics and Computing Prof R J Wiltshire Tel:01443 4823; URL: http://www.
Glasgow U. Computer Science Dr S Brewster Tel: 0141 330 4966; URL: £ A
Glasgow Caledonian U. Computer Studies Mr J Newman Tel: 0141 331 3288; URL: £ A?
Greenwich U. Computing and Mathematical Sciences Prof Mark Cross/ Prof BKnight Tel: 0181 331 8700 Fax: 0181 316 8665 A?
Hertfordshire University. Computer Science V Hussam Tel: 01707 284761 Information Sciences V Hussam Tel: 01707 284761
Huddersfield U. Computing and Mathematics Dr M Ingleby/Prof L McClusky Tel:01484 422288 Email: Computing and Mathematics Dr MichaelIngleby Tel: 01484 472087/472000 Email:
Hull U. Computer Science Mrs J L Hopper Tel: 01482 465067; URL: html £? A?
Keele U. Computer Science Dr Pearl Brereton Tel: 01782 583079
Kent U. Computing Laboratory Prof L Johnson Tel: 012 764000; URL: £
Kingston U. Computer Science and Electronic Systems Dr P Forte Tel: 0181 5472000 ext 2661 Email: £? A?
Lancaster U. Computing Prof Gordon Blair Tel: 01524 593809; URL: £
Leeds U. Computer Studies Prof Dyer Tel: 0113 233 5430; URL:
Leeds Metropolitan U. Computing and Engineering Systems Ed Dodman Tel: 0113283 74; URL: http://www. £? A?
Leicester U. Mathematics and Computer Science Prof I Stewart Tel: 0116 2523600; URL: http://www. £
Liverpool U. Computer Science Dr R Paton Tel: 0151 794 3670; URL: Theoretical Physics Prof T Jones Tel: 0151 794 3783;URL: http://www.
Liverpool John Moores U. Computing and Mathematical Sciences Dr M MerabtiTel: 0151 231 2284; URL: http://www. £? A?
London: Birkbeck College Computer Science Prof G Loizou Tel: 0171 631 6712;URL: http://www.
London: Goldsmiths College Mathematical and Computing Sciences Department DrRichard Donnison Tel: 0171 919 7867 Email:
London: Imperial College Computing Mrs B P Claxton Tel: 0171 594 8303; URL: £ A?
London: King's College Computer Science Dr Tomasz Radzik Tel: 0171 873 2588;URL: http://www. £
London: Queen Mary and Westfield College Computer Science Carla BenjaminTel: 0171 975 5225; URL: http://www.
London: Royal Holloway College Computer Science Dr Steve Schneider Tel:01784 443431; URL: http://www.
London: University College Centre for Advanced Instrumentation Systems: CAISDr M E Dewar Tel: 0171 380 7838; URL: http://www. £ ComputerScience Dr S Arridge Tel: 0171 419 3714; URL: £
London Guildhall U. Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics Prof UlfEhrenmark Tel: 0171 320 1728; URL: http://www.
Loughborough U. Computer Studies Dr J H Connolly Tel: 01509 222943; URL: £? A?
Luton U. Computing Dr A Vella Tel: 01582 34111 ext 2543 £?
Manchester U. Computer Science Mrs Janet Boyd Tel: 0161 5 6181; URL: £ A Informatics Prof Simon French Tel: 0161 52690; URL: http://www.
Manchester Metropolitan U. Computing Dr Tom Boyle/Mr S Oakey Tel: 0161 2471500 Email:
Middlesex U. Computer Science Prof Harold Thimbleby Tel: 0181 362 6061; URL:
Napier U. Computer Studies Prof Terry Fogarty Tel: 0131 455 4398; URL:
Newcastle U. Computing Science Prof S K Shrivastava Tel: 0191 222 8038; URL: £
North London U. Informatics and Multimedia Technology Prof John CharalambousTel: 0171 753 5130; URL: http://www. £? A?
Northumbria U. Computing Prof R Burgess Tel: 0191 2 4750; URL:
Nottingham U. Computer Science Dr S D Benford Tel: 0115 951 4203
Nottingham Trent U. Computing Prof R Whitrow Tel: 0115 948 6482; URL:
Open U. Computing Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908 653231; URL: £?
Oxford Brookes U. Computing and Mathematical Sciences Mr J L Nealon Tel:01865 483654; URL: http://www.
Paisley U. Computing and Information Systems Prof M Crowe Tel: 0141 848 3300Email:
Plymouth U. Computing Dr Peter Jagodzinski Tel: 01752 232541; URL:£research £ A
Portsmouth U. Information Science Dr Jim Briggs Tel: 01705 844281; URL: uk/research.html
Reading U. Computer Science Dr Nissanke Tel: 0118 931 8608; URL:
Robert Gordon U. Computer and Mathematical Sciences Dr S Craw Tel: 012242600; URL: http://www.
Royal College of Art Computer-Related Design Prof Gillian Crampton-SmithTel: 0171 590 4293; URL: http://www. £? A?
Scottish Coll of Textiles (Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt U.) Management Mr R PaulTel: 01896 753351 Email: £? A?
Sheffield U. Computer Science Dr P D Green Tel: 0114 222 1828; URL: Information Studies Prof T D Wilson Tel: 0114 2222642; URL: http://www. £? A?
Sheffield Hallam U. Computing Research Centre Prof J Siddiqi Tel: 0114 2253781; URL: http://www. shu. £? A?
South Bank U. Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics Allan BlairTel: 0171 815 7469 Email:; Dilip Patel Tel: 0171 815 7429Email:
Southampton U. Electronics and Computer Science Mrs Anne Donohue Tel: 01703592882; URL: http://www. £ A?
Southampton Institute (Nottingham Trent U.) Systems Engineering ResearchCentre Prof Graham King Tel: 01703 319000 Email:
St Andrews U. Mathematical and Computational Sciences: Computer ScienceDivision Prof M D Atkinson Tel: 01334 463250; URL: http://www.£
Staffordshire U. Computing Dr J Whitworth Tel: 01785 353443 £? A?
Stirling U. Computing Science and Mathematics Head of Department Tel: 01786467421; URL: http://www. £?
Strathclyde U. Computer Science Prof A D McGettrick Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext3305; URL: http://www. cs. £? A? Computer Science Prof J TBuchanan Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext 3424 Email:
Surrey U. Computing Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01483 259631; URL:http://www.mcs.
Sussex U. Cognitive Science Research Programme Prof Matthew Hennessy Tel:013 678940; URL: http://www. Computer Science and ArtificialIntelligence (CSAI) Prof Matthew Hennessy Tel: 013 678940; URL:
Wales: Swansea Computer Science Postgraduate Admissions Officer Tel: 01792295393 Fax: 01792 295708 £? A?
Swansea Institute of Higher Education (Wales, and West of England U.s)Computing Dr G Evans Tel: 01792 481144 Email:
Teesside U. Computing and Mathematics Mrs E Howden Tel: 01642 342649; URL:
Ulster U. Informatics Prof J G Hughes Tel: 01232 366125; URL: £ A?
UMIST Computation Christine Twigg Tel: 0161 200 3370; URL:
Warwick U. Computer Science Mrs A Warr Tel: 01203 523668; URL:
Westminster U. Cavendish School of Computer Science Dr Stephen Winter Tel:0171 911 5099; URL: http://www. £? A?
Wolverhampton U. Computing and Information Technology Mr M Jackson Tel:01902 321429; URL: uk/university/scit/scitinfo.html £?A?
York U. Computer Science Mrs M Burton Tel: 01904 4321; URL: £
About this service #221>
The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the current availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training.
The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.
Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United kingdom.
Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans. They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.
Quality of degrees #221>
All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.
Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.
The compilers #221>
This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.
This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU an accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.