The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in Medicine: Related Studies #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.
Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualification level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.
Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help
Medicine: Related Studies
Aberdeen U. Medical Microbiology Prof T H Pennington Tel: 01224 681818Email: £? A?
Anglia P.U. Applied Sciences Dr Derek Gay Tel: 01223 3631; URL:
Aston U. Vision Sciences Dr T S Meese Tel: 0121 359 3611; URL: £ A
Wales: Bangor Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems Prof Roy ChantrellTel: 01248 382806; URL: £ A? Radiography:Wrexham Campus Mrs Pauline Culmer Tel: 01978 316200 Email: £?
Bath Spa U.C. (Bristol: UWE) Health Promotion/Health Studies Academic OfficeAdministrator Tel: 01225 875444; URL:
Birmingham U. Nursing Dr O van den Akker Tel: 0121 414 3573 Fax: 0121 4144036 Health Sciences (Physiotherapy) Dr P Nolan Tel: 0121 414 3571 Email:p. Institute of Public and Environmental Health Dr Stuart HarradTel: 0121 414 7298; URL: Dentistry Dr A Smith Tel:0121 236 8611 ext 5857 Email: a.j.smith. £?
Bradford U. Biomedical Sciences Prof T G Baker Tel: 014 383560 Fax: 014309742 Clinical Oncology Prof J A Double Tel: 014 383226 Fax: 014 305340Optometry Dr D Whitaker Tel: 014 384640 Email:
Brighton U. Community Studies Dr Michael Cahill Tel: 013 643480; URL: Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Dr Ann Moore Tel:013 643766; URL:
Bristol: UWE Applied Sciences: Psychology Dr Mary Haslum Tel: 0117 965 6261ext 4311 Email: Health and Social Care Debs Joy Tel: 0117958 5655 ext 8568 Email: £? A?
Brunel U. Health Studies Dr Frances Reynolds (Graduate Tutor) Tel: 0181 8910121; URL: uk/departments/health £? Health Studies DrFrances Reynolds (Graduate Tutor) Tel: 0181 891 0121; URL: £?
Cambridge U. Haematology Mrs Madeline Oliver Tel: 01223 336828 Herchel Smith Laboratory for Medicinal Chemistry Prof L D HallTel: 01223 336805 Email:
Canterbury Christ Church College (Kent U. ) Department for Applied SocialSciences David Stears Tel: 012 7809 Fax: 012 780328
Wales: Cardiff Optometry and Vision Sciences Dr N Drasdo Tel: 01222 874374;URL: uk/uwc/optom/index.html £ A?
Central Lancashire U. Centre for Professional Ethics Prof Ruth Chadwick Tel:01772 892541; URL: £? Centre for Toxicology Prof IanShaw Tel: 01772 893883; URL: £? Applied Biology ProfMalcolm Edmunds Tel: 01772 893518; URL: £?
Cheltenham and Gloucester C.H.E. (Bristol U.) Community and Social StudiesDr K Ross Tel: 01242 543408; URL: £?
City U. Centre for Measurement and Information in Medicine Dr Roman HovorkaTel: 0171 477 8370; URL: Clinical CommunicationStudies Prof Bencie Woll Tel: 0171 477 8354 Email: Optometryand Visual Science Dr R Douglas Tel: 0171 477 8000 ext 8334; Research SecretaryTel: 0171 477 8000 ext 4342; URL: of Health Sciences Prof Ewart Carson Tel: 0171 477 8370; URL:
Coventry U. Health and Social Sciences Dr A Stanton Tel: 01203 838201 £? A?
Cranfield: Cranfield Cranfield Biomedical Centre Mrs A Amatsah Tel: 01234754339; URL: http://www. Cranfield Centre for BiomedicalEngineering Mrs A Amatsah Tel: 01234 754339; URL:
Cranfield: Shrivenham Materials and Medical Sciences Prof C M Friend Tel:01793 7853; URL: http://www. £? A?
Derby U. Health and Community Studies: Applied Vision Prof A Gale Tel: 01332622286 ext 2141 Email:
Dundee U. Biomedical Engineering Dr E W Abel Tel: 01382 344641; URL: Management and Consumer Studies Dr Phil Lyon Tel: 013823454; URL: http://www. £? A?
East Anglia U. Health Policy and Practice Malcolm Adams Tel: 01603 593600Email:
East London U. Health Sciences Dr Oona Scott Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext 4510Email: uk; Dr Philip Hayes Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext 4508 £? A?
Edge Hill U.C. (Lancaster U.) Health Studies Dr Tom Chapman Tel: 01695584475 Email:
Edinburgh U. Dermatology Dr Roderick McKenzie Tel: 0131 536 2046; URL: Public Health Sciences Mrs RosaBisset Tel: 0131 650 32; URL: http://www. uk/~rma/msc.htm £? A?
Essex U. Health and Social Services Institute Secretary Tel: 01206 872854;URL: http://www.
Exeter U. Centre for Complementary Health Studies Roger B Hill Tel: 01392264498; URL: http://www. £? A? Postgraduate Medical SchoolProf John Tooke Tel: 01392 403064; URL: http://www. £? A?
Glasgow U. Behavioural Sciences Group Prof K Millar Tel: 0141 330 5016Email: £? A? Institute of Biomedical and LifeSciences: Division of Virology Dr Sarah Butcher Tel: 0141 330 4019; URL:http://www.vir.
Glasgow Caledonian U. Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Radiography Prof S MylesTel: 0141 337 4775 Email: £ A? Vision Science Prof M JDoughty Tel: 0141 331 3393 Email: £
Greenwich U. Human Sciences: School of Health Dr R Pope Tel: 0181 331 8859Fax: 0181 331 9884 £? A? Human Sciences: School of Health Dr R Pope Tel:0181 331 8859 Fax: 0181 331 9884 Chemical and Life Sciences Prof E Metcalfe Tel:0181 331 8300 Email:
Hertfordshire University. Arts Therapies Programme Dr Janek Dubowski Tel:01707 285320 Email: Clinical Sciences: Physiotherapy MrsJudith Chappell Tel: 01707 284974 Fax: 01707 284415 Clinical Sciences:Radiography Richard Price Tel: 01707 284962 Fax: 01707 284977
Huddersfield U. Podiatry Mrs P Renwick Tel: 01484 473028; URL:
Keele U. Communication and Neuroscience Dr S Westland Tel: 01782 584314Email: Physiotherapy Studies Mrs M P Place Tel: 01782 584193Email:
Leeds U. Research School of Medicine Dr P N McWilliam Tel: 0113 233 6876;URL: http://www. £
Leeds Metropolitan U. Health Education Ms S Tilford Tel: 0113 283 2600; URL: £? A? Health Sciences Dr M Kelly Tel: 0113 283 2600;URL: http://www.
Leicester U. Radiology Prof Cherryman Tel: 0116 258 6719 Fax: 0116 258 6721
Liverpool John Moores U. Centre for Health Jane Springett Tel: 0151 2314052; URL: http://www. £? A? BiomolecularSciences Prof David Billington Tel: 0151 231 2077 Health Prof S Glenn Tel: 0151 231 4147; URL: £? A?
London: Institute of Cancer Research Institute of Cancer Research HelenGibbs Tel: 0181 643 8901 ext 4643 Email:
London: Goldsmiths College Art Psychotherapy Unit Dr Diane Waller Tel: 0171919 7230 Email:
London: Imperial College Centre for Biological and Medical Systems Dr M JLever Tel: 0171 594 5172; URL:
London: King's College Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Prof J AskhamTel: 0171 872 3037; URL: http://www. £ Nutrition and Dietetics DrP Emery Tel: 0171 333 4268; URL: Physiotherapy Prof DNewham Tel: 0171 333 4031 Email:
London: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Epidemiology andPopulation Health J A Targett Tel: 0171 9 2239 Email: £?Public Health and Policy J A Targett Tel: 0171 9 2239
London: Queen Mary and Westfield College IRC in Biomedical Materials Dr SBest Tel: 0171 975 5512; URL: http://www. £ A?
London: St Bart's & Royal London School of Medicine & Dentistry(QMW) Radiation Biology Prof K R Trott Tel: 0171 982 6106 Medical Electronics Dr J R Roberts Tel: 0171 982 6089;URL: http://www. Medical Electronics andPhysics Dr D P Jones Tel: 0171 982 6091; URL:
London: University College Centre for Advanced Instrumentation Systems(CAIS) Dr M E Dewar Tel: 0171 380 7838; URL: http://www. £ Centrefor Health Information and Multi-Professional Education Dr Paul Taylor Tel: 0171288 3548; URL: http://www. £ Medical Physics andBioengineering Ms T Reynolds Tel: 0171 209 6267; URL: £ Statistical Science (Medical Statistics)Prof A P Dawid Tel: 0171 380 7190; URL: http://www. £Epidemiology and Public Health Admission Enquiries Tel: 0171 380 7365; URL: £ Human Communication Science Mrs Sarah AlleemudderTel: 0171 837 0113 ext 3520; URL: http://www. £ Immunology DrP Delves Tel: 0171 380 9349; URL: uk/UCL-info/Faculties/ClinSci/Departments/ £ Institute ofOrthopaedics Prof George Bentley Tel: 0181 954 2300 ext 532; URL: £ Oncology Prof R Begent Tel: 0171 636 8333 ext 3421;URL: http://www. £
Luton U. Health Care and Social Studies John Paley Tel: 01582 456843 £
Manchester U. Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine DrJ Hughes Tel: 0161 5 5857; URL: http://www.£ A? Computation Methods in Medicine Group Dr V F Hillier Tel: 0161 55325; URL: http://www. £? A? Ophthalmology Dr David Henson Tel:0161 6 5620; URL: http://www. £? A?
Manchester Metropolitan U. Health Care Studies Dr J Lord Tel: 0161 2472526/2518 Email: Humanities and Applied Social Studies(Crewe and Alsager Faculty) Dr D Bates Tel: 0161 247 5402
Middlesex U. Health, Biological and Environmental Sciences Rena PapadopoulosTel: 0181 362 6626 Fax: 0171 288 5103
Newcastle U. Dermatology Prof J L Rees Tel: 0191 222 7107; URL:
North London U. Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition Prof JohnCharalambous Tel: 0171 753 5130; URL: http://www. £? A?
Northumbria U. Health, Social Work and Education Prof J Potts Tel: 0191 23434; URL: http://www. £? A?
Nottingham U. Immunology and Allergy Dr A Robins Tel: 0115 970 9123 Fax:0115 970 9125 Stroke Medicine Dr Sundlerland Tel: 0115 962 7786 £? A? Genetics Dr Alistair Chambers Tel:0115 970 9225; URL: £ A?
Oxford Brookes U. Health Care Prof H Bartlett Tel: 01865 4855; URL:
Paisley U. Centre for Gerontology and Health Studies Prof Mary Gilhooly Tel:0141 848 3771 Email: £? A?
Portsmouth U. Pharmacy and Biomedical Science Prof D J Rogers Tel: 01705843007 Email: £? A?
Queen Margaret C. (Open U.) Dietetics and Nutrition Dr Wilfred Turnbull Tel:0131 317 3620; URL: http://www. £? A? Occupational Therapy DrMaggie Nicol Tel: 0131 317 3802; URL: http://www. £? A?Physiotherapy Dr Phil Rowe Tel: 0131 317 3655; URL: £?A? Podiatry and Radiography Dr Thomas Carline Tel: 0131 317 3484; URL: £? A? Speech and Language Sciences Prof W HardcastleTel: 0131 317 3680; URL: £? A?
Robert Gordon U. Applied Sciences Dr Brian A McGaw Tel: 01224 262823; URL: Health Science Dr Valerie Maehle Tel: 01224 6146; URL:
Salford U. Institute for Health Research: Health Care and Social WorkStudies Dr Peter Eachus Tel: 0161 295 2428 £?
Sheffield U. Information Studies Prof T D Wilson Tel: 0114 222 2642; URL: £? A? Medical Microbiology Prof RJennings Tel: 0114 2 4072; URL: http://www. uk/uni/academic/I-M/mbMolecular and Genetic Medicine Dr A R Eley Tel: 0114 1 2335; URL:
Sheffield Hallam U. Health and Community Studies Prof A Parry Tel: 0114 2252586; URL: http://www. £? A? Scienceand Mathematics Prof K D Rainsford Tel: 0114 225 3006; URL: htm £? A?
South Bank U. Applied Science Prof J Davies Tel: 0171 815 8111 Fax: 0171 8158136 Health and Social Care Dr J Littlewood Tel: 0171 815 6152/8000 £? A?
Southampton U. Human Nutrition Prof A Jackson Tel: 01703 594302 Rehabilitation Research Unit Dr A Ashburn Tel: 01703 796469Email: Occupational and Physiotherapy Dr S Payne Tel:01703 595306 Email:
St Martin's University College (Lancaster U.) Primary Health Care Dr RobinTalbot Tel: 01524 384620 Email: £? A? Radiography andImaging Sciences Mr Scott Bowman Tel: 01524 384640 Email: £?A?
Strathclyde U. Bioengineering Unit Prof J C Barbenel Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext3780; URL: http://www. £ A? Immunology ProfW H Stimson Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext 3729; URL: £ A? National Centre forTraining in Prosthetics and Orthotics Dr Derek Jones Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext 3917Email: Speech and Language Therapy E M McCartney Tel: 0141950 3453 Email: uk
Surrey U. European Institute of Health and Medical Science (EIHMS) Dr JosephMorley Tel: 01483 259746; URL: http://www. £? BiologicalSciences Dr R S Jones Tel: 01483 259705/259730; URL: Mechanical and Materials Engineering LizRoberts Tel: 01483 259678; URL: http://www.
Sussex U. Biomedical Engineering Research Programme Dr L G Ripley Tel: 013678358; URL: http://www.
Wales: Swansea Centre for Philosophy and Health Care The Secretary Tel:01792 295611 Fax: 01792 295769 £? Institute of Health Care Studies Mr OMcGann Tel: 01792 295781 Fax: 01792 295643 £? Biological Sciences Prof RayWaters Tel: 01792 295447 Email: £? A? PostgraduateStudies in Medical and Health Care Dr J G Williams Tel: 01792 703720 Fax: 017997310 £? A?
Teesside U. Health Dr T Howe Tel: 01642 384144 Email:£? A?
Ulster U. Biomedical Sciences/School of Health Sciences Prof D G Hirst Tel:01232 368897; Prof D Baxter Tel: 01232 368855; URL: http://www. £A?
UMIST Optometry and Vision Sciences Dr Sam Nona Tel: 0161 200 3877
Wales: College of Medicine Epidemiology and Public Health Prof S Palmer Tel:01222 742321 Fax: 01222 742898 £? A? Postgraduate Medical and DentalEducation Prof T Hayes Tel: 01222 7439 Fax: 01222 754966 £? A?
Warwick U. Postgraduate Medical Education Mrs Ann Wallis-Power Tel: 01203523913; URL: http://www. £
Wolverhampton U. Health Sciences: Biomedical Science and Human BiologyDivision Dr P R Kirk Tel: 01902 321165 Email: £? A?
York U. Health Sciences and Clinical Evaluation Prof I Russell Tel: 01904434500 Email:
About this service #221>
The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the current availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training.
The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.
Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United kingdom.
Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans. They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.
Quality of degrees #221>
All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.
Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.
The compilers #221>
This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.
This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU an accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.