The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in Sociology #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.
Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualifccation level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.
Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help
Aberdeen U. Sociology Dr A Blaikie Tel: 01224 65; URL:
Abertay U. Social and Health Sciences: Division of Sociology Dr C Di Domenico Tel: 01382 308700 Email:
Anglia P.U. Languages and Social Sciences: Sociology and Politics Division Dr Andrew Webster Tel: 01223 3631; URL:
Bangor Sociology and Social Policy Mr G A S Day Tel: 01248 382222; URL:
Bath U. Social and Policy Sciences Ms E Irvine Tel: 01225 323203; URL: £? A?
Bath Spa U.C. (Bristol: UWE) Sociology Academic Office Administrator Tel: 01225 875444; URL:
Birmingham U. Cultural Studies and Sociology Dr Ann Gray Tel: 0121 414 6060; URL: £
Bolton I.H.E. Arts, Science and Education: Health and Social Studies Dr Ken Hahlo Tel: 01204 528851; URL: £? A?
Bradford U. Social and Economic Studies Ms J M Hammond Tel: 014 384802 Fax: 014 385295
Bristol U. Sociology Ms Susan Durbin Tel: 0117 928 8217; URL:
Bristol: UWE Economics and Social Science Dr Julie Kent Tel: 0117 965 6261 ext 2356 Email: £? A? Economics and Social Science Dr Julie Kent Tel: 0117 965 6261 ext 2356 Email: Humanities: Women's Studies Mrs Madge Dresser Tel: 0117 965 6261 ext 4388 Email: A?
Brunel U. Centre for Research into Innovation, Culture and Technology (CRICT) Director of the PhD Programme Tel: 01895 203111; URL: uk:8080/depts/crict Human Sciences Veronica Johnson Tel: 01895 4000 ext 3422; URL:
Canterbury Christ Church College (Kent U.) Applied Social Sciences Kendra Perrott Tel: 012 7801 Email: £
Cardiff Social and Administrative Studies Dr Ian Shaw Tel: 01222 874000 ext 5567; URL:
Central England U. in Birmingham Sociology Prof Ron Vanelli Tel: 0121 331 5529 Fax: 0121 331 6360
Central Lancashire U. Social Studies Dr Tunde Zack-Williams Tel: 01772 893986; URL: http://www.
Cheltenham and Gloucester C.H.E. (Bristol U.) Community and Social Studies Dr K Ross Tel: 01242 543408 Email: £
City U. Sociology Prof S Feuchtwang Tel: 0171 477 85 Email: Social Statistics Research Unit Dr E Ferri Tel: 0171 477 8483; URL:
Coventry U. Health and Social Sciences Dr K Sharp Tel: 01203 838103 Email:
De Montfort U. Public Policy and Managerial Studies Dr D Denscombe Tel: 0116 255 1551 Fax: 0116 257 7795
Derby U. Education and Social Science Prof Ursula Sharma Tel: 01332 622222 ext 2060 Email:
Durham U. Sociology and Social Policy Dr David Byrne Tel: 0191 374 2319; URL: http://www.
East Anglia U. Politics and Sociology Mrs J O'Brien Tel: 01603 592098; URL: http://www.
East London U. Human Relations Dr S Day-Sclater Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext 93/6280 Email: Innovation Studies Dr Nod Miller Tel: 0181 849 3675 Email: Sociology Dr Tim Butler Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext 86/76 Email: Group for Research into Access and Student Programmes (GRASP) Dr Derek Robbins Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext 2179/2163 Email:
Edinburgh U. Sociology Prof R Jeffery Tel: 0131 650 3976; URL: http://www. Doctoral Programme in Social and Economic Research on Technology Graduate School in Social Sciences Tel: 0131 650 6323; URL: http://www. Graduate School in Social Sciences Mrs Sue Grant Tel: 0131 650 6323; URL: http://www. Science Studies Unit Carole Tansley Tel: 0131 650 4265; URL: http://www.
Essex U. Sociology Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01206 873055; URL: http://www. University of Essex Institute for Social and Economic Research Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01206 873087; URL: http://www.
Exeter U. Centre for Women's Studies Dr Gillian Hanscombe Tel: 01392 264363; URL: http://www. £? A? Institute of Population Studies Mrs E M Davies Tel: 01392 257936 Email: £? A? Sociology Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Tel: 01392 2637; URL: http://www. £? A?
Glamorgan U. Humanities and Social Sciences Prof D Dunkerley Tel: 01443 482557; URL: http://www.
Glasgow U. Sociology Social Sciences Graduate School Tel: 0141 330 4725; URL: http://www.
Glasgow Caledonian U. Social Sciences Prof D Walsh Tel: 0141 331 3490 Email:
Greenwich U. Social Sciences Prof F Anthias Tel: 0181 331 8900 Email:
Huddersfield U. Human and Health Studies Dr D R Cliff Tel: 01484 422288 ext 24; URL: http://www. £? A?
Hull U. Sociology and Anthropology Prof J Okely Tel: 01482 466215 Email:
Keele U. Centre for Social Theory and Technology Prof R Cooper Tel: 01782 583421 Email: Sociology and Social Anthropology Dr P J Werbner Tel: 01782 584233 Email:
Kent U. Sociology Mr D Morgan Tel: 012 764000; URL: http://www. £ Women's Studies Prof Mary Evans Tel: 012 764000; URL: http://www. £
Kingston U. Social Science Research Administrator Tel: 0181 547 7884 Email: £?
Lancaster U. Centre for Science Studies and Science Policy: Independent Studies Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Tel: 01524 65201 ext 92840; URL: http://www. uk/users/indstud/postgrad.htm £ A Sociology Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01524 594177; URL: http://www. £? A? Institute for Women's Studies Cathie Holt Tel: 01524 593435; URL: http://www.
Leeds U. Centre for Development Studies Dr C L Baylies Tel: 0113 233 4393 Email: £ A? Sociology and Social Policy D Westmoreland Tel: 0113 233 4408; URL: http://www. £ A?
Leicester U. Sociology Pat Mumby Tel: 0116 252 38; URL: http://www. html £
Lincolnshire & Humberside: Humberside Social Sciences and Professional Studies: Applied Social Science Paul Norton Tel: 01482 440550 ext 4386; URL: http://www.
Lincolnshire & Humberside: Lincoln Social Policy and Politics Dr Hugh Bochel Tel: 01482 440550 ext 4098; URL: http://www.
Liverpool U. Sociology, Social Work and Social Work Studies Clare Minghella Tel: 0151 794 2972 Email:
Liverpool Hope U.C. (Liverpool U.) Sociology Dr Derek Bell Tel: 0151 291 3445/7; URL: http://www. £?
Liverpool John Moores U. Social Science Dr M Owen Tel: 0151 231 4043; URL: http://www. £? A?
London: Goldsmiths College Sociology Mrs Greer Rafferty Tel: 0171 919 7712 Email:
London: Institute of Latin American Studies Sociology Gillian Lodge Tel: 0171 387 5671; URL: http://www.
London: London School of Economics Sociology Graduate Admissions Office Tel: 0171 955 7106/7160; URL: http://www. Gender Institute Graduate Admissions Office Tel: 0171 955 7106/7160; URL: http://www. uk/graduate/
London: SOAS Development Studies The Registrar Tel: 0171 637 2388 Email:
London: Royal Holloway College Social Policy and Social Science Dr J Gabe Tel: 01784 443144; URL: http://www.
London: University College Science and Technology Studies Dr Hasok Chang Tel: 0171 391 1324; URL: http://www.
London Guildhall U. Sociology and Applied Social Studies David Kelleher Tel: 0171 320 1045; URL: http://www.
Loughborough U. Social Sciences Prof M Billig Tel: 01509 223367; URL: http://www. uk/departments/ss
Luton U. Social Studies Prof Alison Assiter Tel: 01582 489315; URL: http://www. £? A?
Manchester U. Sociology Ms Ann Cronley Tel: 0161 5 2501; URL: £? A?
Manchester Metropolitan U. Humanities and Applied Social Studies (Crewe and Alsager Faculty) Dr D Bates Tel: 0161 247 5402 Email: Sociology Dr D Francis Tel: 0161 247 3465 Email:
Middlesex U. Social Science Prof Susanne MacGregor Tel: 0181 362 6173 Fax: 0181 805 0702
Napier U. Psychology and Sociology Prof N Bonney Tel: 0131 455 2522; URL: http://www.
North London U. Environmental and Social Studies L Kellaher Tel: 0171 753 5038; URL: http://www.
Northumbria U. Employment Studies Mr J Stirling Tel: 0191 2 4675; URL: http://www. Sociology Prof M Mellor Tel: 0191 2 3255; URL: http://www.
Nottingham U. Sociology and Social Policy Dr Elizabeth Murphy Tel: 0115 951 5403; URL: http://www.
Open U. Sociology Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908 653231; URL: http://www. uk/OU/ResearchDegrees/Prospectus.html £?
Paisley U. Applied Social Studies Prof J O Foster Tel: 0141 848 3765 Email: £? A?
Plymouth U. Sociology Prof David Mason Tel: 01752 233223; URL: £? A?
Portsmouth U. Social and Historical Studies Prof Graham Moon Tel: 01705 842205 Email: uk
Queen Margaret C. (Open U.) Management and Social Sciences Dr Alan Gilloran Tel: 0131 317 3606; URL: http://www. £? A?
Reading U. Sociology Prof J C H Davies Tel: 0118 931 8518; URL: http://www.
Salford U. Institute for Health Research: Public Health Research and Resource Centre Judith Nugent Tel: 0161 295 2808 Email: J.A. £ Institute for Social Research: Sociology Dr G Smith Tel: 0161 295 4706; URL: http://www. £
Sheffield U. General Practice Mrs J Morrison Tel: 0114 1 5918; URL: http://www. Sociological Studies Ms M Howard Tel: 0114 222 6463; URL: http://www. uk/uni/academic/R-Z/socst/ £ A?
Sheffield Hallam U. Health and Community Studies Prof Sue Yeandle Tel: 0114 225 2388; URL: http://www. £? A?
South Bank U. Education, Politics and Social Science Dr M Hickox Tel: 0171 815 5758 Fax: 0171 815 5799
Southampton U. Sociology and Social Policy Prof John Solomos Tel: 01703 594807 Email: uk
Southampton Institute (Nottingham Trent U.) Public Policy Research Centre Peter Wybrow Tel: 01703 319000 Email:
St Mark and St John U.C. (Exeter U.) Sociology Dr Neil Casey Tel: 01752 636700 ext 4303; URL: http://www.
Staffordshire U. Humanities and Social Sciences Prof Tony Spybey Tel: 01782 294645 Email: £? A?
Stirling U. Applied Social Science Dr A Erskine Tel: 01786 467983; URL: http://www.
Surrey U. Sociology Dr N Fielding Tel: 01483 259450; URL: http://www.
Sussex U. Social and Political Thought Research Programme Postgraduate Admissions Tel: 013 678412; URL: http://www. £? A? Sociology Research Programme Postgraduate Admissions Tel: 013 678412; URL: http://www. £? A?
Swansea Sociology and Anthropology Mr J Parker Tel: 01792 295765 Fax: 01792 295750 £? A?
Teesside U. Social Sciences Dr R McDonald Tel: 01642 342351 Email: £? A?
Trinity and All Saints College (Leeds U.) Social Sciences: Sociology Dr R Todd Tel: 0113 283 7100; URL: http://www.
Ulster U. Social and Community Sciences Dr W J Rolston Tel: 01232 366182; URL: http://www. £? A?
Warwick U. Centre for Research into Ethnic Relations Dr C Harris Tel: 01203 522598; URL: http://www. £? Centre for the Study of Sport in Society Lincoln Allison Tel: 01203 523307; URL: http://www. uk/PAIS/ £? Centre for the Study of Women and Gender Chris Wilson Tel: 01203 523600; URL: http://www. £? A? Sociology Mrs B Horner Tel: 01203 523147; URL: http://www. £? A? Institute for Employment Research Prof R Lindley Tel: 01203 523503; URL: http://www. £?
Wolverhampton U. Sociology and Applied Social Studies Dr D Cook Tel: 01902 323449 Email: £? A?
Worcester U. College (Coventry U.) Sociology Bob Carter Tel: 01905 855308 Email:
York U. Centre for Women's Studies Jean Wall Tel: 01904 433671; URL: http://www. Sociology Prof S Yearley Tel: 01904 433052; URL: http://www. £
About this service #221>
The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training. The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.
Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom.
Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans.They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.
Quality of degrees #221>
All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.
Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.
The compilers #221>
This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.
This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU can accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.