Raj Thamotheram, a former corporate social responsibility consultant and a founder director of Saferworld, which launched the code of conduct on arms exports adopted as UK government policy, has been appointed to the new post of senior adviser, socially responsible investment, at the Universities Superannuation Scheme.
Ian Greer, Muirhead professor and head of obstetrics and gynaecology at the University of Glasgow, has been appointed to its regius chair of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Kate Jacques, former associate dean of education at St Martin's College, Lancaster, becomes director of the Institute of Education and professor at Manchester Metropolitan University in September.
Kate Ashcroft, dean of education at the University of the West of England, is to join the Higher Education Funding Council for England; Roger Hussey, Deloitte and Touche professor in financial communications at UWE, is to take up the post of dean at Windsor Business School, Ontario, Canada; Michael Scriven, dean of languages and European studies at UWE, has been appointed academic director at the European Business School; Geoff Channon, UWE's dean of humanities, is to become the university's assistant vice-chancellor; Alan Spedding, visiting professor of construction economics at UWE, has been elected president of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy.