National Commision on education

二月 3, 1995

The National Commission on Education criticises the decision to separate discussion on the purposes and size of the sector from that on funding and argues: "The present arrangements for institutional funding and personal support for students have become so unsatisfactory that they demand action now".

It reiterates calls for a tuition fee based on a restructured income-contingent loan scheme and a more flexible qualifications framework.

While recognising the importance of research - in particular as a motivation for choosing an academic career - it argues that it has "sometimes been accorded quite unreasonable primacy over teaching in universities".

It calls for much greater emphasis on teaching skills, and says that all teachers should possess a teaching qualification. Welcoming quality control, it argues that the current system is wasteful and calls for a stronger, independent regulatory framework .

Institutions should take a leading role in regional alliances of education and training institutions to provide a full range of opportunities, enable further reorganisation of education and training and the removal of the "new binary line" between further and higher education.



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