Latest international news

一月 9, 2001

Student "poisoned by lesbian lover"
A psychology student at Rome’s La Sapienza University has been arrested for allegedly murdering her room mate with cyanide-laced soup last February. The victim was planning to leave to live with a married man with six children.

Israel to halve tuition fees
Tuition fees at Israel’s universities and colleges are to be halved over five years in line with a 1999 election commitment made by prime minister Ehud Barak. The cost will be borns by the exchequer, not university budgets. Fees are currently 10,310 shekels (£1,680) a year.

Arab OU gets green light
The Open University will today sign a memo of understanding to establish an Arab OU in Kuwait. The first students will enrol on degree courses delivered in English later next year. The project is funded by a regional development institution, the Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organisation.



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