The Guardian
Most students find work quickly after leaving university regardless of where they study, but black and Asian graduates still face discrimination from employers, according to an official report.
Philip Lucas of the University of Hertfordshire and Patrick Roche of the University of Oxford have counted up to 20 free-floating planets drifting in the constellation Orion.
Daily Telegraph
The Wellcome Trust, the world's biggest biomedical charity, will tell the Government to pay for research facilities or see Britain relegated from the research "Premier League".
The Times
Poor results are a more important factor than the cost of studying in putting working-class students off higher education, according to a study by the Institute for Employment Studies at Sussex University.
The Centre for Drug Discovery at Oxford University has released a computer program on the internet that will test a list of molecules against three-dimensional models of proteins known to cause cancer, and relay the findings to a central university database. ( Independent , Times )
Dr John Chisholm, chairman of the GPs' committee of the British Medical Association, has warned of a growing crisis in general practice as graduates shun careers in family surgeries and established GPs quit the profession because of overwork. ( Independent , Daily Mail , Daily Telegraph )