Financial Times
The University of Liverpool has positioned itself as a centre for the next generation of dotcom entrepreneurs by unveiling the first UK degree in e-business.
The Independent
Thousands of university students could miss out on their degrees after being threatened with expulsion for late payment of tuition fees.
Daily Mail
A website on semi-conductor physics has attracted an unprecedented 2 million hits by tapping into the Britney Spears effect.
Bumblebees are disappearing at such an alarming rate they could be wiped out within a few years, scientists at the University of Southampton warn.
Daily Telegraph
Research at the London School of Economics and Sheffield and Cambridge universities suggests that our minds evolved so that our male and female ancestors could impress each other.
An "unsustainable" decline in the number of childminders could threaten the government's drive to make good quality childcare available in every neighbourhood, according to a report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. ( Guardian, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Times )
The coalition of national museums holding out against the government's free admission policy has crumbled spectacularly with the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Science Museum announcing they would scrap charges. ( Guardian, Independent, Daily Telegraph Times )
Researchers at Columbia University and at Emory University, Atlanta, have discovered that dolphins can identify themselves in a mirror, a discovery that overturns a number of long-held theories about animal intelligence. ( Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Times )
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