Financial Times
Students preparing for exams or celebrating their end are uninterested in voting.
Research at Cranfield University, the University of the West of England and the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency shows the potential of micro-robots.
The Guardian
A government inquiry into violence against students is under way amid fears that attacks are rising and becoming more violent. A recent poll found that one student in three has had personal experience of crime.
Students from the University of Warwick are using paste pots and wit in the war against offensive billboards.
Malcolm Wicks, minister for lifelong learning, presents Labour's manifesto for post-16 education and training.
The Commission for Black Staff in Further Education will finish gathering evidence of discrimination next week.
The Independent
Erin McLean, an American student allegedly gang-raped while on an exchange trip to Ukraine, is to sue St Andrews University in a case that could trigger similar claims against educational institutions.
Daily Mail
Children with two parents do much better at school than those from single-parent families, according to a study of more than 1,000 youngsters by the Institute for Social and Economic Research.
A shortage of medical academics is threatening the ability of medical schools to provide the big expansion in the number of junior doctors promised for the National Health Service. ( Guardian , Independent)