Latest international news

六月 12, 2001

Businesswoman appointed Italian universities minister
Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi has appointed Letizia Moratti, head of a Milan brokerage firm, to be universities minister. From 1994 to 1996, during the first Berlusconi government, Ms Moratti was head of RAI, the Italian state broadcasting authority. She is former chairman of News Corporation Europe, part of the organisation that publishes The THES .

Bush sanctions greenhouse gas research
President Bush has announced an initiative to improve basic research into new technology to monitor greenhouse gas emissions at universities and national laboratories. Under a parallel programme, increased money will be appropriated for priority research.

Colombian university hawks internet address
La Universidad de Los Andes, which has managed Colombia's ".co" internet code since 1991, is inviting bids from firms to market the domain name as an alternative to ".com", ".net" and other domains. Revenue would be used for scholarships and investments.

Philosopher wins peace prize
German philosopher Juergen Habermas is to receive this year's peace prize from the German book trade. The 71-year-old academic, considered postwar Europe's most significant political and social philosopher, will be awarded the €12,500 (£7,700) prize during the Frankfurt Book Fair in October.



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