Scotland plans £1m science promotion
Wendy Alexander, Scotland’s enterprise and lifelong learning minister, has announced £1 million in funding for the Scottish Science Trust to promote the public understanding of science. The Scottish Executive has pledged £400,000, while the private sector has stumped up £600,000.
Youngsters are key to regeneration
Inter-community violence within Britain must be stemmed by including young people in future regeneration, a leading housing director said today. Kelvin MacDonald, director of ROOM, the National Council for Housing and Planning, speaking at a conference at Leicester University, highlighted the need for close links between local initiatives and “forgotten” youngsters.
Explosive study will solve quake queries
Science students today started a course enabling them to create mini-earthquakes. The 18 youngsters on a three-day “understanding earthquakes” course run by Camborne School of Mines in Cornwall will tomorrow use explosives to see how geological structures behave when earthquakes occur.