Latest international news

七月 30, 2001

Italy condemns alleged G8 brutality
Some 530 Italian academics have signed an open letter to Italian president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, demanding an inquiry into alleged police brutality at the G8 summit in Genoa. Among signatories are former education minister Tullio De Mauro and British historian Paul Ginsborg, who teaches in Florence. The letter was published by leftwing newspaper L’Unita .

Copenhagen drops controversial hostel plan
Copenhagen has shelved a plan to reserve 25 per cent of places in halls of residence and student hostels for students with social problems. Hostel leaders, students and minister of education Margrethe Vestager voiced opposition to the proposal because a large number of students, including some 5,000 of the 12,000 students in Greater Copenhagen, are on waiting lists for such accommodation.



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