The Times
A full-scale review of university fees and loans has been ordered in an attempt to find the fairer system of student funding demanded yesterday by Tony Blair.
Graham Zellick, vice-chancellor of London University, attacked the government policy of expanding higher education yesterday, claiming that some students were not capable of reaching degree level.
The Independent
The government is to review university tuition fees and student loans amid fears that working-class teenagers are being put off higher education.
The British Museum, the country's most popular cultural attraction, yesterday unveiled cutbacks and blamed a reduction in funding from the government.
In a rare marriage of pop and art, Madonna will present this year's Turner Prize.
The Guardian
The world's most important collection of William Wordsworth's manuscripts and letters is to be housed in a futuristic extension to the poet's cottage in the Lake District, after the Heritage Lottery Fund yesterday announced a substantial grant.
A US-style "green card" immigration scheme, including a work permit system with quotas in areas of severe labour shortages, is to be announced today by the home secretary, David Blunkett, as part of an overhaul of the asylum and immigration system.
Tony Blair has set up a working group to examine new options for student finance amid concerns at the unpopularity of tuition fees.
The Daily Telegraph
Incitement to religious hatred will be made a criminal offence under emergency measures to be introduced following the terrorist attacks on America, David Blunkett, the home secretary, will announce today.
A new species of British butterfly has been discovered for the first time in 112 years, by experts at Ulster Museum. Leptidea reali is a variant of the Wood White and has been distinguished only by the study of genitalia of museum specimens - which shows that they cannot interbreed with the previously-recognised species.
The Financial Times
The private sector is to be invited to play a big role in the government's plans to set up a multi-million pound academy for gifted and talented children at a top university.
The Daily Mail
Teenage girls in Britain are more than twice as likely to be impoverished single parents than those anywhere else in Europe, a survey by the Institute for Social and Economic Research found yesterday.