Latest news

十月 31, 2001

First RAE 2001 results expected next week
Half the staff who were returned in this year’s research assessment exercise work in subject areas expected to gain the top 5 and 5* grades, according to funding chiefs. The initial results of the exercise will be presented next week to the board of the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The final results will be published on December 14.

Students support landlord licence bill
Students today called on Parliament to toughen up the law and force landlords to provide decent accommodation. About 60 students will converge on the House of Commons to lobby MPs to support a private member’s bill that would force landlords to get a licence for renting out property for multiple occupation.

Ulster updates disaster relief degree
The University of Ulster has changed its masters degree in disaster relief nursing to equip nurses to cope with the effects of chemical and biological warfare. The course is run jointly with the University of Rochester in New York state and will be taught simultaneously using Ulster’s e-learning facilities.

Glasgow conference finds faith in humanity
Sixty delegates representing all the major faiths at a Glasgow University conference have backed a "global ethic" stating that "every human being must be treated humanely". Organiser Perry Schmidt-Leukel said in the wake of the terrorist atrocities and subsequent military action, it was increasingly crucial to seek common ethical ground between different faiths.

Malaysia to launch quality agency
Malaysian public university courses will be rated by a new quality assurance agency to be established "as soon as possible", education minister Musa Mohamad announced. The rating would be based on research, staff to student ratios, the ability to obtain funding and curriculum structure.   



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