Brussels, 21 February 2002
A seminar on 'European funding for IST projects,' to be held in Scotland on March 14, 15 and 18, will attempt to help UK organisations benefit from EU funding for IST (information society technology projects) from the new Sixth Framework programme for research (FP6) and programmes such as TEN Telcom and eContent programmes.
The seminar will be held on the 14 March in Glasgow, the 15 March in Dundee and the 18 March in Inverness, all in Scotland, the UK. It has been organised by the Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) Scotland, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise in Association with UKISHELP, who are the National Contact Point (NCP) supporting UK participants in EU programmes for IST projects.
The event's expert speaker will be Peter Walters from UKISHELP, who will provide an up-to-date position on funding opportunities through FP6 and other programmes. Participants will also receive advice on how to participate in EU projects and the benefits of doing so.
UK organisations have received benefits of more than 350 million euro in support of IST projects under the European Commission's Fifth Framework programme for research (FP5). FP6 will be launched later this year with 2.3 billion euro available for IST projects.
For further information, please contact:
Norma MacDonald
Innovation Support Unit
Knowledge Economy Team
The Green House
Beechwood Business Park North
Tel: +44-1463-667269
Fax: +44-1463-712002