UK inquiry to examine non-carbon technologies RD&D

五月 20, 2002

Brussels, 17 May 2002

The UK House of Commons science and technology committee is to conduct an inquiry into UK research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in non-carbon energy technologies.

The committee notes the publication of the government's consultation document on energy policy. The inquiry aims to feed into the implementation of energy policy following the publication of the White Paper, expected to be issued towards the end of the year.

The inquiry's terms of reference are:

1. To evaluate the level of expenditure on RD&D in non-carbon energy technologies by UK government, the research councils, the Carbon Trust and industry, as well as where it is being directed.

2. To identify which technologies are, or should be, receiving support, and how much investment is directed towards research, development and demonstration respectively.

3. To assess the skills base and the state of RD&D for different technologies.

4. To establish how government policy on energy RD&D is formulated, implemented and evaluated, and the nature of coordination between departments, external agencies and industry.

5. To establish the level of and rationale for international collaboration in energy RD&D and how priorities are determined.

6. To examine the effect on energy RD&D of privatisation, liberalisation, regulation and changes in ownership in the sector.

7. To make comparisons with overseas competitors.

The committee would welcome written evidence from interested organisations and individuals addressing these points. Evidence should be submitted by 20 September.

For guidance on the submission of evidence, please consult the following web address: /witguide.htm

For further information on the work of the committee, please contact:
Tel: +44 20 7219 93/4 /s&thome.htm

Remarks: Evidence should be sent in hard copy to:

Clerk of the science and technology committee
7 Millbank
London SW1P 3JA

Please also send an electronic version, either on disk or by e-mail to:

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