UUK supports rich-pay-more policy
University chiefs have given their clearest indication yet that they favour higher tuition fees for students. Baroness Warwick, chief executive of Universities UK, told MPs yesterday that there was no reason why students from wealthier backgrounds should not pay more than the current £1,075, approximately a quarter of the total cost, towards their higher education tuition.
Director sought to champion FE quality
The government is looking for a new quality champion to raise educational standards and teaching effectiveness in further education colleges. The director of the new post-16 teaching and learning unit will be based at the Department for Education and Skills, in London, and run a team of 30. The director will be paid up to £85,000 a year and is set to take up the post in September.
Traffic cone amnesty for St Andrews students
Police in St Andrews have set up a traffic cone amnesty for students. Fife Police say items such as cones, supermarket trolleys, benches and even temporary traffic lights regularly go missing during term-time. Now they have given all students the chance to return the spoils of their hell-raising forays with no questions asked.
Scots plan to reinvigorate Gaelic language
A report on reinvigorating the Gaelic language in Scotland, produced by a Scottish executive taskforce chaired by Donald Meek, professor of Celtic and Scottish studies at Edinburgh University, has today gone to ministers. It calls for a new body that can plan the development of Gaelic and coordinate existing work.