CEN/ISSS Cluster for Electronic Commerce: Conference on on linking RTD and standardization

六月 27, 2002

Brussels, 26 June 2002

Cluster for Electronic Commerce
C-ECOM Plenary Conference
Brussels, 14 June 2002

Conference Programme (presentations are available for download on the linked page)

70 representatives of the standardization and IST research communities as well as European Union officials attended the C-ECOM Plenary Conference, held in conjunction with the IST KAII Concertation Meeting, on Friday 14 June 2002.

The purpose of the conference was to report on the success of the Cluster for Electronic Commerce (C-ECOM) project and to share the knowledge and experiences of the participating IST projects.

C-ECOM is a cluster project which has as its mission to enhance co-operation among R&D projects with similar electronic commerce standards related objectives. This is ensured by offering to those projects the CEN/ISSS open environment as a platform for cross-fertilisation.

The two main focuses of the conference agenda were the benefits to those IST projects that have participated so far, as well as the policy implications of the C-ECOM project’s success.

Six case studies of successfully participating projects were presented, and the content of these presentations, distributed to attendees in the conference information pack, is available for download here:

The C-ECOM Project allows market players active in IST projects relevant to electronic commerce to benefit from a direct comparison with other similar projects where electronic commerce issues and the need of potential standards are discussed. This enables market players to implement a fast track for standardisation, and even to start the process before the R&D projects have reached completion.

Conference Programme (presentations are available for download on the linked page)

10.45 to 16:30 Chair: Mr Georg Hongler – Secretary General CEN

11:00-11:20 Mrs Rosalie Zobel – Director, DG Information Society C

Focus and priorities of the IST programme to favour the implementation of global digital networks. Open Standards and software source solutions for enterprise software and supply chains. Need for Interoperability and Harmonisation.

11:20-11:40 Keith Dickerson – BT, ICTSB Chairman

The activities undertaken and the way forward to bridge the gap between standardization and research activities. The vision of the ICTSB (Information and Communication Technology Standards Board.

11:40-12:00 Mr. John Ketchell - CEN/ISSS Director

e-Commerce standardization - too many consortia, not enough consensus.

12:00 – 12.20 Mr Bror Salmelin Head of Unit DG Information Society C/3

Future perspectives for standards and Information Society research.

13:30: C-ECOM case studies, Benefits and pitfalls of Bridging the gap between IST research and standardization

20’ Mr Adamantios Koumpis - ALTEC, Greece

Open standardization in Network Industries: the case of Open Source Supply Chains.

20’ Dr Michel Böhms - TNO Bouw, The Netherlands

Standardization in eCommerce and eBusiness in the European Building and Construction industry

20’ Dr George Kartsounis - Athens Technology Center, Greece

Data exchange Standards for Made-to-Measure Services in the Clothing Industry

20' Mr Jorge Vieira da Silva - MTA, France

Interoperability in multi-application smart card schemes related to the mobility of the user.

15.20: C-ECOM case studies, Benefits and pitfalls of Bridging the gap between IST research and standardization (continued)

20’ Mr Boris Otto - Fraunhoffer IAO, Germany

Integration of Web standards to offer business functionality over the Internet. The use of emerging Web Service standards

20’ Dr Julian Johnson – BAE

The creation of a EU focal point for STEP AP 233. Application protocol for the aerospace industry.

16.00 Discussion, summary and conclusions

Q/A Open panel, debate and discussion on the current trends. Future possible perspectives

16.30 Closure of the Conference

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
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