Brussels, 23 Oct 2002
No. Cion prop. 12691/02 ENV 541 MI 195 WTO 126 ONU 73 AGRI 231 CODEC 1194 6447/02 ENV 106 MI 33 WTO 14 ONU 9 AGRI 45 CODEC 225 ­ COM(2002) 85 final
Subject: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the transboundary movement of genetically modified organisms (implementation of the Cartagena Protocol) ­ Political agreement
Delegations will find attached the text as agreed by the Environment Council at its meeting on 17 October 2002.
The recitals will now be considered by the Working Party on the Environment. The legal/linguistic experts will then finalise the text and recitals as a draft common position, which will then follow the usual "I/A" procedure for formal adoption by Council as an "A" item.
Council Register