6th research framework programme - Rules of participation (EC and Euratom) (Extract from Provisional Version, Ecofin Council of 4 November)

十一月 6, 2002

Brussels, 05 Nov 2002

EC Programme

The Council adopted the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in the European Community sixth research framework programme (2002-06) and for the dissemination of research results, approving all the amendments voted by the European Parliament in first reading. The decision was taken by qualified majority, with the Portuguese delegation abstaining.

Adoption of this Regulation and of the rules for participation in the Euratom research programme will ensure the timely implementation of the two new framework programmes, as requested by the European Council, so as to promote the creation of a European Research Area and to strenthen innovation in the European Union. The specific research programmes were adopted by the Council on 30 September.

The overall budget provided for under the EC and Euratom framework programmes amounts to 17 500 million euros, of which 16 0 million euros are earmarked for the EC programme.

56th research framework programme - Rules of participation (Euratom programme)

The Council adopted the Regulation establishing rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in the sixth research framework programme (2002-06) of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom).

Adoption of this Regulation and of the rules for participation in the European Community research programme will ensure the timely implementation of the two new framework programmes, as requested by the European Council, so as to promote the creation of a European Research Area and to strenthen innovation in the European Union. The specific research programmes were adopted by the Council on 30 September.

The overall budget provided for under the EC and Euratom framework programmes amounts to 17 500 million euros, of which 1 230 million euros are earmarked for the Euratom programme.

(items approved without debate)
http://ue.eu.int/pressData/en/ecofin/731 03.pdf



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