Update: 12:25

十二月 10, 2002

Clarke announces school science network
A £50 million plan to improve science teaching in schools was announced today by education secretary Charles Clarke. A national network of science learning centres will be set up, funded by the government and the Wellcome Trust. The network will consist of one national centre and up to nine regional centres.

Terrorists' son to attend Oxford as Rhodes scholar
The son of two urban terrorists who are serving life sentences is to attend Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Chesa Boudin, 22, whose parents were members of the leftwing guerrilla movement Weather Underground, was one of 32 students from the US chosen for the prestigious scholarship. His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were jailed in 1982 for taking part in an armed robbery in New York in which a security guard and two police officers were shot dead.

Report calls for Northern Ireland anti-racism agency
Northern Ireland needs a new anti-racism agency, bringing together representatives from government bodies, quangos, voluntary organisations and minority ethnic groups, according to a report by Ulster University sociologists. Government departments need to appoint minority ethnic liaison officers and set up units to monitor services to ethnic groups, it says.



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