Open forum on science and technology in European society

一月 22, 2003

Brussels, 21 Jan 2003

Stockholm is to host a large, pan-European interdisciplinary scientific meeting from 25 to 28 August 2004 to provide a forum for open dialogue on science and technology in European society.

The event, initiated by Euroscience, will be a counterpart to the American AAAS annual meetings. It will be the first in a series of biennial meetings, where discussions, seminars, debates and lectures take place in a wide range of scientific and scholarly fields. The aim is to bring together those interested in science and technology from all over Europe at one meeting.

In a recent interview with CORDIS News, Rainer Gerold, Director of the Research DG's science and society directorate, expressed his support for such an initiative while pointing out that 't will certainly be different to the American version because Europe is different.'

The Open Forum in will aim to highlight science in Europe in the following ways:
- Present science and the humanities at the cutting-edge;
- Stimulate scientific awareness;
- Foster debate on science and society;
- Encourage dialogue between the public, politicians, policy makers and the media on current trends and future roads for the sciences;
- Facilitate the formation and further development of a European Research Area.

Potential participants will include academics, policy makers, politicians and representatives from media and the science based industries.

For further information, please consult the following web address: tml

CORDIS RTD-NEWS / © European Communities



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