* A total of 561 full-time staff worked on technology-transfer activity at UK universities in 2002, an average of six per institution
* A total of 158 spin-offs were created in 2002
* Fifty spin-offs were generated using government University Challenge funds; 21 with venture capital investment; 17 with business angel investment; and 14 with an industrial partner
* There were 20 exits of spin-offs (14 failed or were liquidated, five were sold and one was floated), which generated £6.8 million, compared with £20.2 million in 2001
* The number of licences or agreements rose by 39 per cent
* Licensing income increased to £22.4 million last year from £16.3 million in 2001
* There was an average of 18 university invention disclosures per institution, compared with 14 in 2001
* Universities spent an average of £93,000 protecting intellectual property, a rise of 18 per cent over 2001