Brussels, 19 Mar 2004
The EDCTP is a research programme for the development of new medical products, microbicides and vaccines to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis targeted at sub-Saharan Africa. It focuses on phase II/III clinical trials for the 3 diseases and is tailored to the specific needs of Developing Countries
The EDCTP was created by 15 European countries to establish a long term, sustainable and genuine partnership between European and Developing Countries. The Commission, together with the European Parliament and Council, decided to support the EDCTP via Article 169 of the Treaty by allocating € 200 million from the 6th Framework Programme. The EDCTP target budget is € 600 million for the period 2003 - 2007. Apart from the 200 million from the Community, 200 million will come from Member States' national activities, and further € 200 million still have to be found from industry, charity and private organisations. The EDCTP is not part of the general calls for proposals of the Commission, instead it operates as a separate legal entity with its own guidelines, including calls for proposals and appropriate selection and evaluation procedures.
For further information: m
EDCTP secretariat:
Postal Address: P.O.Box 93015,
2509 AA The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-70-344 08 80
Fax. +31- 70-344 08 99
Executive Director: Piero Olliaro ndex_en.html
Item source: dctp/index_en.html