Grant winners – 24 March 2016

A round-up of recent recipients of research council cash

三月 24, 2016
Grant winners tab on folder

National Institute for Health Research

Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation programme

Effect of closed loop insulin delivery from onset of diabetes in youth on progression of type 1 diabetes

A double blind, placebo-controlled, randomised phase II study of Pemetrexed and Cisplatin with and without Ruxolitinib in malignant pleural mesothelioma

Stratified Treatment OPtimisation for HCV-1 (STOP-HCV 1)

Randomised controlled trial of the short-term effects of OROS-methylphenidate on ADHD symptoms and behavioural outcomes in young male prisoners with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Chickens on camera: practical application and commercialisation of the optical flow system for improved poultry welfare and health

Unravelling the microRNA-chromatin remodelling circuitry that drives myogenesis

Developmental tuning of Turing patterning

Leverhulme Trust

Research project grants

Solitons and frequency combs in micro-ring resonators

Social networking: understanding the neuroendocrine basis of gregarious behaviour

Electric and magnetic field effects on confined liquids

In detail

Award winner: Catherine Whistler
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £135,265

Transforming our understanding of Raphael with eloquence in drawing as a research theme

This project aims to gain new understanding of the renowned Renaissance artist. Today, Raphael’s work is broadly viewed as “remote, bland or irrelevant”, writes Catherine Whistler, supernumerary fellow in art history at St John's College, Oxford, in the current Leverhulme Trust newsletter. “Current scholarship presents Raphael as an accomplished interpreter and courtier who managed an efficient workshop, with drawing as a pragmatic stepping-stone towards the final, polished work of art. By exploring the experimental character of drawing and its rhetorical possibilities, I want to ‘make strange’ an over-familiar artist and to stimulate new thinking about drawing in and beyond art history.” Dr Whistler and her collaborator Ben Thomas, an art historian at the University of Kent, are taking Raphael’s “eloquence” as a guiding concept and an interpretative tool in order to unlock a new understanding.



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