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Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

2024 世界大学排名
2024 Impact Rankings
2023 南美周大学排名
Carr Pachuca-Actopan km. 4.5, Edificio B, 4to.Piso, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 48900, Mexico

关于 Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

The Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) or the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, began as the Instituto Literario y Escuela de Artes y Oficios (Literary Institute and School of Arts and Crafts) in Pachuca, 1869.

In 1875, it moved to the former San Juan de Dios Hospital (founded in 1725), the structure of which is now the university’s Central Building.

During the Mexican Revolution (1910-17), the university was closed several times but survived. It briefly became known as the University of Hidalgo in 1921, but returned to its original name in 1925.

In the 1940s, programmes in medicine, law and engineering were added and it was granted autonomy in 1948.

UAEH is the oldest and largest university in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico and is known as one of the best universities in Ibero-America and Latin America. It is a member of the Consortium of Mexican Universities (CUMEX) and is one of the best universities in Mexico for postgraduate studies.

It is divided in six faculties in the capital city of Hidalgo, which is named Pachuca. There are also several other campuses located throughout the state of Hidalgo: Actopan, Apan, Atotonilco de Tula, Ciudad Sahagún, Huejutla de Reyes, Minderal del Monte, Tepeií del Río, Tizayuca, Tlahuelilpan, Tulancingo and Zimapán, plus four preparatory schools in the Pachuca region.

The majority of students are from the state capital and state territories. There are also a few international students and students from outside of the state.

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo 的排名数据分析




  • 19.5
  • 38,732
    Number of FTE Students
  • 0%
  • 29%
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 58 : 42
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo 的授予学科

  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Other Health
    • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Physical sciences

    • Chemistry
    • Mathematics & Statistics
    • Physics & Astronomy
    • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
  • Life sciences

    • Veterinary Science
    • Biological Sciences
    • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Psychology

    • Psychology
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Business & economics

    • Accounting & Finance
    • Business & Management
    • Economics & Econometrics
  • Arts & humanities

    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
    • History, Philosophy & Theology
    • Architecture
    • Art, Performing Arts & Design
  • Engineering & technology

    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • General Engineering
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Education

    • Education
  • Social sciences

    • Sociology
    • Communication & Media Studies
    • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
  • Law

    • Law