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Mie University

2024 世界大学排名
2024 Impact Rankings
2023 日本大学排名
1577 Kurimamachiya-cho, Tsu City, Mie, 514-8507, Japan

关于 Mie University

Founded in 1949, Mie University began with liberal arts and agriculture faculties, and it has now expanded to include humanities, medicine, education, bio resources, engineering and common education (which is also based around cross-faculty English learning courses).

Located in Tsu, this is the Mie prefecture’s only national university and is not far from the cities of Osaka, Kyoto and Nagoya. With a campus in the northeast of Tsu, Mie University is bordered by the waters of the Ise bay and the Suzuka and Nunobiki mountain range.

The Mie University opened a medical treatment ward in 2012, which is now an advanced treatment hospital, equipped with a host of cutting-edge medical technology. New outpatient wings were added and old buildings were demolished in 2015. There is a gymnasium, indoor sports facilities, a nursery school, convenience store and several restaurants.

Classes were opened up to the public in 2009, to strengthen the community and support its social needs. Extension courses are also available for members of Tsu’s community.

In a push to enhance its offering of international links, Mie University established the Centre for International Exchange in 2014.

It is also part of the Tri-U International Joint Seminar and Symposium, held annually at one of the founder universities (Chiang Mai University in Thailand, Jiangsu University in China, Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia and Mie University). This academic seminar was established in 1994, with the aim of enhancing the international experiences of students.

Mie University 的排名数据分析




  • 6,983
    Number of FTE Students
  • 8.3
  • 17%
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 38 : 62
  • 3%
  • ¥2,866
    Finance per Student (¥000s)
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和 (2) 2023 日本大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

Mie University 的授予学科

  • Engineering & technology

    • Chemical Engineering
    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • General Engineering
  • Business & economics

    • Economics & Econometrics
    • Business & Management
    • Accounting & Finance
  • Social sciences

    • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
    • Geography
    • Sociology
  • Arts & humanities

    • Architecture
    • History, Philosophy & Theology
    • Archaeology
    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
  • Life sciences

    • Biological Sciences
    • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Other Health
    • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Law

    • Law
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Physical sciences

    • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
  • Education

    • Education