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Osaka Sangyo University

2018 日本大学排名
3-1-1, Nakagaito, Daito-shi, Osaka, 574-8530, Japan

关于 Osaka Sangyo University

Osaka Sangyo University is a private university with its main campuses in the city of Daitō, Japan, and a satellite campus in the city of Osaka.

In Japanese, it is called Ōsaka sangyō daigaku, which is abbreviated as DaiSanDai, since the character ō is pronounced as dai in Japanese.

Founded in 1923 as Osaka Railway School, it became the Osaka Transportation College in 1950 and became Osaka Industrial University in 1965 before gaining its current name in 1988.

Some 10 per cent of the students are international.

The faculties include engineering, economics, human environment, business management, education, design engineering, international studies and sport and health sciences.

The faculty of international studies teaches languages including English, Chinese, French, German, Korean and Japanese.

The graduate schools include engineering, economics, human environment, and business administration and distribution.

The graduate school of human environment nurtures researchers and specialists in environmental studies with the aim of contributing to the harmonious coexistence between the environment and humans.

The graduate school of business administration and distribution develops human resources to respond to the needs of the industrial world.

There are three research institutes, the OSU Institute for Industrial Research, the New Industrial Research and Development Centre and the Asian Community Research Centre.

Osaka Sangyo University 的排名数据分析



  • ¥1,219
    Finance per Student (¥000s)
  • 8,265
    Number of FTE Students
  • 13.3
  • 37.4
基于 (1) 2018 日本大学排名和排行榜收集的数据