Kline promises to open up his personal expenses to online scrutiny

五月 26, 2006

Roger Kline launched his year-long election campaign to lead the 120,000-strong University and College Union this week with a commitment to be "transparent and accountable".

The head of higher education at lecturers' union Natfhe immediately put his money where his mouth is by pledging to publish a monthly tally of his personal expenses on his new website, rogerkline.org.uk.

This, he said, would show that he would not spend a penny of members'

hard-earned subscriptions on campaigning or networking for influence in the new union. Mr Kline is already known to journalists and colleagues for his frugality, normally preferring a "dry" working lunch of sandwiches in his office to a business lunch with wine at a swanky restaurant.

Although he would not be drawn on the motives behind the move to publish his expenses, it is being seen widely as a challenge to his rivals for the job to follow suit. It is likely to put pressure on Sally Hunt, head of the Association of University Teachers and the current favourite for the new top job.

Under the slogan "principled, progressive, practical, experienced", Mr Kline's website details his 23 years as a "trade union negotiator, manager, lecturer, researcher and activist". He describes himself as a socialist, and an "inactive" member of the Labour Party who opposed the Iraq war and who opposes privatisation. He pledges never to make personal attacks on other candidates.

UCU will be officially formed for a transitional year on June 1, before a full merger with confirmed officials and elected leaders next spring.

Crucially, Mr Kline was expected to have the endorsement of Paul Mackney, the popular Natfhe general secretary who bowed out of the UCU leadership race on health grounds. Mr Mackney was due to tell delegates that Mr Kline had "the kind of breadth of experience and approach" needed for the new union.



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