Times Higher Education Japan University Rankings 2018 table information

三月 28, 2018

The Times Higher Education Japan University Rankings 2018 methodology explores four key areas:


Does the university have the capacity to effectively deliver teaching? The resources area represents 34 per cent of the overall rankings. Within this, we look at:

  • Finance per student (8 per cent)
  • Faculty per student (8 per cent)
  • Research output per member of staff (7 per cent)
  • Mock university entrance exam score (6 per cent)
  • Research grants per member of staff (5 per cent)


Does the university effectively engage with its students? The data in this area is gathered through the High School Advisors Survey. The engagement area represents 26 per cent of the overall rankings. Within this, we look at:

  • Global talent development (13 per cent)
  • Student ability development (13 per cent)


Does the university produce graduates that the market wants? How strong is the university’s reputation nationally? The outcomes area represents 20 per cent of the overall rankings. Within this, we look at:

  • Employer reputation (10 per cent)
  • Academic reputation (10 per cent)


Does the university make efforts to attract an international student body and faculty? Does it prepare students for the global market? The environment area represents 20 per cent of the overall rankings. Within this, we look at:

  • Proportion of international students (5 per cent)
  • Proportion of international staff (5 per cent) 
  • International exchange programmes (5 per cent)
  • Courses in a foreign language (5 per cent)


Our rankings table also offers information for prospective students on the following:

Number of students

This is the number of full-time equivalent students at the university.

Student-to-staff ratio

This is the ratio of full-time equivalent students to the number of full-time equivalent academic staff – those employed in an academic post, for example, assistant professor, associate professor and professor.

Finance per student (in ¥1,000s)

This is institutioln income (includes all forms of income, such as general university funds, grant income, research income, contract income, teaching income, donations, investments and commercialisation) per full-time equivalent student.

Proportion of international students

The percentage of students at the university originating from outside Japan.

For more detail on the pillars and metrics, please read the full THE Japan University Rankings 2018 methodology.



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