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Universidad Nacional de Villarrica del Espíritu Santo

2024 Impact Rankings
Bvar Apa River between Pai, Anasagasti and Tape Pyta, Caraguatay, Misiones Province, Paraguay

关于 Universidad Nacional de Villarrica del Espíritu Santo

Universidad Nacional de Villarrica del Espíritu Santo is a public university located in Villarica, Paraguay.

There are seven faculties at the university including engineering and architecture; philosophy and human sciences; legal, political and social sciences; physical, chemical and mathematical sciences; economic sciencs; health sciences and agricultural sciences. There is also a graduate school, the school of art and culture and the school of gastronomy, hospitality and tourism.

The university publishes The Scientific Magazine which publishes scientific work in a range of areas.


Universidad Nacional de Villarrica del Espíritu Santo 的排名数据分析
