扎耶德大学Zayed University is taking an elite approach to business

Zayed University is taking an elite approach to business

Zayed University has just entered‭ ‬the‭ ‬Times Higher Education‭ ‬World University Rankings for the first‭ ‬time‭, ‬and its College of Business‭ ‬has ambitious expansion plans

The College of Business at Zayed University‭ ‬–‭ ‬based‭ ‬in the United Arab Emirates‭ (‬UAE‭) ‬–‭ ‬is the largest college on‭ ‬its state-of-the-art campus‭, ‬which‭ ‬is located in Abu Dhabi and Dubai‭. ‬

The campus serves about 2,700‭ ‬undergraduates studying across four programmes‭, ‬while the faculty is currently made up of about 80‮ ‬professors originating from‭ ‬more than 30‭ ‬countries‭. ‬Students can major in key aspects of corporate learning‭, ‬including human resource management‭, ‬accounting‭, ‬entrepreneurship‭ ‬and finance‭. ‬

Zayed University‭ ‬was recently ranked in the‭ ‬Times Higher Education‭ ‬World University Rankings for the first time‭, ‬making it one of only five UAE institutions to be part of the rankings‭.‬

The college holds accreditations from both the UAE Ministry of Education’s‭ (‬MOE‭) ‬Commission for Academic Accreditation and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business‭ (‬AACSB‭), ‬which is the world’s leading accreditation body for business schools‭. ‬Now‭, ‬it‮ ‬aims to expand its reputation globally by growing its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes‭. ‬In partnership with the MOE‭, ‬the university has plans to‮ ‬open an elite business school in the college‭, ‬operating with its own strict admissions requirements‭.‬

“The school will be elite in terms of rigour in content and delivery‭, ‬infusing analytics and‭ [‬artificial intelligence‭ (‬AI‭)]. ‬The‭ ‬admission standard will be higher‭, ‬there will be an option to gain international experience‭,‬”‭ ‬explains Dr Fatima Al-Ali‭, ‬acting dean of the College of‮ ‬Business‭. ‬

The college has been working with the MOE to establish course content that will be useful to the regional economy‭, ‬and the first phase will include undergraduate courses in management science‭, ‬finance and economics‭, ‬starting in autumn 2021‭. ‬There are also plans to expand courses for graduates in‮ ‬the college itself‭ ‬–‭ ‬currently‭, ‬it‮ ‬offers master’s programmes‭ ‬in business administration and finance‭, ‬but aims to open the graduate scheme to other core business disciplines‭.‬

“There is so much support for research and professional development at the college‭,‬”‭ ‬adds Dr Al-Ali‭. ‬“We support faculty in the three key areas of teaching‭, ‬research and service‭, ‬getting them ready for promotion‭. ‬My motivation is‭ ‬that if you come here‭, ‬it’s not a transition period‭; ‬we want you to make this your home for the long term‭.‬”‭ ‬

Candidates for new faculty positions at the college should possess a PhD from a top-200‭ ‬AACSB-accredited school‭. ‬In addition to‭ ‬research and teaching experience‭, ‬industry experience and a higher education certificate are desirable‭.‬

The courses on offer often attract expert guest speakers from the world of business‭, ‬and students will have the opportunity to visit regional employers or factory facilities to see processes in action‭. ‬The college has also launched the largest Bloomberg Finance Lab in the Middle East‭, ‬which is integrated in the curriculum and faculty research‭. ‬

Teaching and research partnerships with other institutions in the region are also supported‭. ‬For example‭, ‬Zayed encourages its‮ ‬students to learn from Khalifa University’s expertise in AI‭. ‬“As we’re working on a brand-new programme‭, ‬we’re trying to collaborate with other universities and colleges’‭ ‬faculties‭, ‬including a joint programme on actuarial maths‭,‬”‭ ‬Dr Al-Ali adds‭. ‬She attributes the university’s recent‭ ‬climb in the rankings to‮ ‬its improved research output‭.‬ For example, the college’s research productivity has more than doubled in the past four years. 

New faculty members will teach students to think critically‭, ‬solve problems and take on the leadership roles of the future‭ ‬–‭ ‬as‮ ‬well as participate in crucial research that will cement the college’s reputation for years to‮ ‬come‭.‬

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