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University of Wah

2024 Impact Rankings
Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt, Punjab Province, 47040, Pakistan

关于 University of Wah

The University of Wah (UW) was established in 2009.

The university is located in Wah Cantt, a military cantonment in the Punjab Province of Pakistan.

There are five faculties within the university: faculty of basic sciences, faculty of computer science, faculty of management sciences, faculty of social sciences and humanities, and the faculty of engineering. Each faculty is organised into different departments offering a range of degree programmes at both undergraduate and graduate level.

As a research-intensive institution, the university publishes three peer reviewed research journals: UW Journal of Science and Technology, UW Journal of Social Sciences, and UW Journal of Management Sciences.

The university has taken many steps to become more sustainable. It has implemented a rainwater harvesting system to collect and store rain as a way of providing drinking water, domestic water, water for livestock, and replenishing groundwater levels. The university has also installed a photovoltaic solar system via solar panels on the rooftops of its buildings.

University of Wah 的排名数据分析
